Carport prep - Cedars must go!

   / Carport prep - Cedars must go! #11  
Ouch! That is tough to see, it makes me think twice about enclosing the sides on mine too! That must have been one h*ll of a wind storm...:eek:
   / Carport prep - Cedars must go! #12  
How was it anchored in the ground? I had a canvas carport do that to me but didnt have much damage. Will insurance cover it?
   / Carport prep - Cedars must go!
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How was it anchored in the ground? I had a canvas carport do that to me but didnt have much damage. Will insurance cover it?

It had 6- 4ft pieces of rebar pounded in the ground as well as 3-8ft fence posts buried and tamped with with 2x4 chunks screwed to the bottom of the post for extra holding power. The frame was wire to the posts.

One of the posts was snapped just above ground level the other one was ripped out of the ground and the third one was unscathed. 60+ mph winds.

Insurance will cover it I supspect. Haven't done the math to see if its worth it yet.
   / Carport prep - Cedars must go! #14  
Reading what you did to anchor it sounds like you did a pretty good job. But obviously, it wasn't enough. I'm wondering what it would take. I thought that Mobile Home anchors would work, but then you run into the problem of fastening the carport to the anchors. Would half inch rebar through the bottom of the frame have held if pounded down deep enough. Say six feet and at an angle?

I guess the best way would have been to dig a footing and poured concrete. then bolted it to the concrete.

Are you going to put in a new one?

   / Carport prep - Cedars must go!
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Reading what you did to anchor it sounds like you did a pretty good job. But obviously, it wasn't enough. I'm wondering what it would take. I thought that Mobile Home anchors would work, but then you run into the problem of fastening the carport to the anchors. Would half inch rebar through the bottom of the frame have held if pounded down deep enough. Say six feet and at an angle?

I guess the best way would have been to dig a footing and poured concrete. then bolted it to the concrete.

Are you going to put in a new one?


This was kinda one of those temporary (2-3yr) solution until I could have better building so I didn't want to put much into it. As you suggest, I didn't quite put enough into it I guess..

Anyway, no plans yet. Maybe build pole barn this spring? Sound like a TBN project? My implements,etc. look really funny just sitting there all naked and bunched up to keep warm.
   / Carport prep - Cedars must go! #16  
You might look at post #6 again and see if you still think it is "Looking good." If you still do, I will sell it to you!!

Well, I would not be your best buyer. :) Sorry to see you had bad luck. Sometimes good comes out of it. Hope it does for you.
   / Carport prep - Cedars must go! #17  
Bummer. Not many posts start out good and then go bad. At least you weren't under it.
   / Carport prep - Cedars must go!
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Ok the sting has wore off I am finally sucking it up and posting the video of "How I Helped Ruin my Carport".

Carport :: carport_kite.flv video by myyaz33 - Photobucket

Sorry it took so long. I guess one good thing is that I am getting started on a new "real" building.

You can save your "should have done it this way" posts as I have posted this for entertainment purposes only.

   / Carport prep - Cedars must go! #19  
Marty, When you first posted of losing the carport, I really felt your pain. Watching your hard work and $ blow away is still painful. Big kudos for you for learning from your mistakes, and continuing! Brian
   / Carport prep - Cedars must go!
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Marty, When you first posted of losing the carport, I really felt your pain. Watching your hard work and $ blow away is still painful. Big kudos for you for learning from your mistakes, and continuing! Brian

Thanks for your condolences. :)