CDC lifts mask restrictions for those fully vaccinated

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   / CDC lifts mask restrictions for those fully vaccinated #21  
It seems like just four days ago they told us we couldn't be outside fully vaccinated without a mask...wonder what medical breakthrough happened in the last four days to make this okay?
   / CDC lifts mask restrictions for those fully vaccinated #22  
My take is that they have an over supply of vaccine doses. There are not a huge number of people that plan to get the vaccine before it gets full FDA approval that haven't already gotten it. Therefore... They open the vaccine up to teens. Then they make the significant announcement of yesterday. Get the vaccine and you can go maskless except on public transportation! That may encourage some to get the shot. Of course this is just a CDC recommendation and not the law.
   / CDC lifts mask restrictions for those fully vaccinated #23  
My take is that they have an over supply of vaccine doses. There are not a huge number of people that plan to get the vaccine before it gets full FDA approval that haven't already gotten it. Therefore... They open the vaccine up to teens. Then they make the significant announcement of yesterday. Get the vaccine and you can go maskless except on public transportation! That may encourage some to get the shot. Of course this is just a CDC recommendation and not the law.
Did Congress pass a "law" that mandated mask wearing?
I thought only Congress could pass... laws.
   / CDC lifts mask restrictions for those fully vaccinated #24  
My take is that they have an over supply of vaccine doses. There are not a huge number of people that plan to get the vaccine before it gets full FDA approval that haven't already gotten it. Therefore... They open the vaccine up to teens. Then they make the significant announcement of yesterday. Get the vaccine and you can go maskless except on public transportation! That may encourage some to get the shot. Of course this is just a CDC recommendation and not the law.
My thoughts as well on this. Then add in Ohio's stupid 'get a vaccine, be entered to win a million dollars'. Just more 'reasons' made up to entice people to get the needle.
   / CDC lifts mask restrictions for those fully vaccinated #25  
Like one couldn't see this "stage" of the plan coming.
   / CDC lifts mask restrictions for those fully vaccinated
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Yeah, I saw that too... Don't see how they are going to regulate it... or even tell who is vaccinated or not....
CDC isn't going to regulate their new guideline. They are simply rewarding folks who get fully vaccinated in order to incentivize those who are hesitant. Vaccinated folks get a card which enables identification of them. Therefore, that card should be retained rather than discarded. 🆔
   / CDC lifts mask restrictions for those fully vaccinated
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My thoughts as well on this. Then add in Ohio's stupid 'get a vaccine, be entered to win a million dollars'. Just more 'reasons' made up to entice people to get the needle.
Yeah Ohio's governor (aka The Hobbit) created the new "needle lottery". :ROFLMAO:
   / CDC lifts mask restrictions for those fully vaccinated #28  
Yeah Ohio's governor (aka The Hobbit) created the new "needle lottery". :ROFLMAO:
Think I will move to O-HIGH -YO and get another round of vaccine with the possibility of becoming a millionaire! What could go wrong?
   / CDC lifts mask restrictions for those fully vaccinated #29  
In order to tell vaccinated from non-vaccinated, the vaccinated will still be wearing masks.
Covid has taken out quite a few people I know and hit my family hard.
   / CDC lifts mask restrictions for those fully vaccinated #30  
My take on CV-19 and those who choose to not be vaccinated could not be posted here.
Look what those that choose not to get the vaccine are willing to do. They are willing to drink from the trough of protection that vaccines provide without giving back. They are not contributing to the public good but are taking advantage of it.
That’s not honest.
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