
   / Chemtrails #41  
Good eye... Yes, it's a Basler turbine DC-3, originally built in 1944, rebuilt in 2006. It's a German research airplane

Here's a photo of us loading the water, I mean.... bottled chem trail solvent!

   / Chemtrails #44  
We have it on the checklist, at cruise we select chem on. We don’t turn it off until descending out of FL180.
   / Chemtrails #46  
I don't have anything to help you. But... I did see something funny once about playing one conspiracy theory against the other. It was something about the 9-11 deniers saying that jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to effect steel so the planes couldn't have taken down the towers. Then questioning them about the combustion temperature of the chemtrail fluid... I can't find it now but it was a pretty good skit.

XKCD (y)

(Be sure to hover your mouse over the image to get the alt-text, for a continuation of the joke)

The other good one is about the moon landings.

"We never landed on the moon!"
"You believe in the moon???"
   / Chemtrails #47  
I think the whole Con-trail vs Chem-trail argument has been framed poorly, and hence exploited as a conspiracy theory.

The correct argument may be Con-trails vs geo-engineering/ weather manipulation. There is physical evidence pointing to aerial spraying of chemicals, as well as admissions from authorities/ agencies to long running programs focused on weather control, etc.
   / Chemtrails #48  
Chemtrails? Flat earth society?? Too much social media overload maybe.

The first time I got on a flat earth website I assumed it was meant to be funny, like a joke. I guess not.

There was a member here a few years ago that the world is flat. Quite a discussion ensued but he couldn't be swayed. This went on for a couple of weeks, then one day he posted "Really got you going, didn't I?"