Clouds of skeeters!

   / Clouds of skeeters! #11  
I prefer more local treatment: Spray REPEL "Sportsman" insect repellent from Walmart. REPEL comes in several concentrations of Deet, with Sportsman being the most concentrated at 40%. Very effective.

I bathe soon after having worked outside with Deet applied to my skin and hat brim.
   / Clouds of skeeters! #12  
Ya the skeeters are a pain for sure this year in Ohio too. I like the dragonflys, Bats and Oriels & purple martins for natural defense not to forget damselfly as well.

There is one other bug that works great at catching deer flys & skeeters too but I cant think of the name of it. head & shape is like a small dragonfly body (1/3 the tail size though) it has a rather fat body vs its wings size so it moves pretty fast just to stay up. I see a lot of them here and dont mind them landing on me as they wait for skeeter or deer fly to come after me and they strike. One last year was all over me for two or three hours when I was working on the truck. it caught at least 4 deer flys that were after ME! I almost swatted him when he first showed up I glad I didn't! He was setting on back of my hand and a deer fly was circling me so I put him up onto the bill of my hat and watched him leap off and grabbed that deer fly & landed on the truck tailgate beside me & ate his prize. then up & back right on the end the bill of my hat so it had enough thought in it to know where a good hunting spot it was! :eek:

Edit in went looking & here is the one "Robber Fly" & info says it eats flys, but on I watched ate the deer flys and mosquito's alike.

   / Clouds of skeeters! #13  
When I lived way out in the country. We had birds called Nighthawks or Bull Bats that also caught their share of flying insects.

   / Clouds of skeeters! #14  
I haven't seen any bull bats thid year. We sure could use them. Also read where some type of mites were killing the bats. Oh we'll, reckon I will keep slapping Mosquitos.

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