I too prefer to have an open pile,rather than in a bin,that way i can stir it with my tractor[you need something to push against].I also use most of the things mentioned above.In middle summer months i get alot of pea pods,cucumber peelings,corn husks...all the veggie by products..of course the most is leaves.I also use woodchips,you would be surprised how quick they heat,and break down,
After the first of september,i start a new pile,allowing the old one to finish rotting,so its ready for the garden come spring.I have been composting now for a few years,and my garden soil is what i always dreamed it should be.With all the farmers in our area going out,manure isnt easy to get,and i think we all get enough toxic chemicals in our bodys,the less the better.
THE ORGANIC GARDENER...ESCAVADER /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif