Dead groundhog in pool

   / Dead groundhog in pool #21  
We only had one kid that did that and we expressed our strong displeasure in it and let him know if he did it again and got caught we would give him a little corporal punishment. How do you get a smillie to attach to your post?

Oh my gosh I'm glad you clarified that. The way I read your earlier post was that a bunch of boys including you were pool poopers. And you deliberatly let it flow down to the lower pool. I was totally grossed out. I think your story has ruined my thoughts of ever stepping into another public pool again. I had never ever thought about anyone doing that in a pool, it never crossed my mind.
   / Dead groundhog in pool #22  

This should kill must things but I just read about Crypto(sp) that is a virus that killed a bunch a people in the Midwest a few years ago. ...

Dan that was Milwaukee who had the cryptosperidium outbreak in our municipal water system. People died and lots and lots of people got sick and were sick for a pretty long time. Thankfully our municipality did not use city of Milwaukee water but it was a real bad crises when it happened. You really learned to value potable water after having that in your community.

Sorry about Tony. i have never known anybody who has had any violence inflicted on them much less being murdered. Well a co-workers 14 year old daughter was killed by a drunk driver on Christmas Eve that is the closest to any violence I have ever experienced.
   / Dead groundhog in pool #23  
Maybe a sign written in "animal" that states "no life guard on duty"

Here in the Dallas metro area the news say's over 400 cases of crypto this year, one death.

They said it is spread from basically runny butts ( sorry) and ingested by others!

I don't know about ya'll ( Texan for " yous guys") but that about does it for my family in public swimm'n holes.
   / Dead groundhog in pool #24  
I find critters in my pool all the time. Pool place just says give a good shock treatment
   / Dead groundhog in pool #25  
I wish I found a dead groundhog in our pool because one, it would mean we had a pool and, two a groundhog would be dead which doesn't happen around here very often because I'm an absolute terrible shot.

Darn things burrow under the barn and are beginning to damage parts of the floor.
   / Dead groundhog in pool
  • Thread Starter
I wish I found a dead groundhog in our pool because one, it would mean we had a pool and, two a groundhog would be dead which doesn't happen around here very often because I'm an absolute terrible shot.

Darn things burrow under the barn and are beginning to damage parts of the floor.

Ain't that something. I got a covered area for BBQ grill and tables chars etc. It has wooden floor. I can't stand those animals that dig holes all over. In fact, can't leave a can with garbage over nite. They turn it over and raid it. I do sometime worry that one of those animals could get sick and be a danger to the kids that play between pool and grass areas. However, we never see them when we are out and about. But... I know they are there.

   / Dead groundhog in pool
  • Thread Starter
I find critters in my pool all the time. Pool place just says give a good shock treatment

Same info I got from pool guy. Super shock it and test water often for a couple days. He says it happens a lot in our rural areas.

   / Dead groundhog in pool #28  
Oh my gosh I'm glad you clarified that. The way I read your earlier post was that a bunch of boys including you were pool poopers. And you deliberatly let it flow down to the lower pool. I was totally grossed out. I think your story has ruined my thoughts of ever stepping into another public pool again. I had never ever thought about anyone doing that in a pool, it never crossed my mind.

The pool that I was talking about wasn't actually a swimming pool we swam in the river when I was growing up, Had a clifft that we could dive off of and a swing that was tied off to a tree that was on top of the clifft the clifft was about 100 ft high. We had a lot of fun back then during the summers seemed like the river was clean[with the exception of that one thing], and even today the river is clean looking. ;)
   / Dead groundhog in pool #29  
Thanks :)
   / Dead groundhog in pool #30  
I just saw this thread and will say that we had a similar situation a few years ago. I called our local animal control who said they'd come pick up and check the animal. It turned out that it had distemper, which is common in Skunks, Opossums, Groundhogs and Raccoons. They even had a local pool company come out and check our water for us. Not only did the pool company say that the water was just fine, but seemed shocked that I have a clipboard in the poolhouse utility room that I use to log each chemical treatment, each water test result, and even when I backwash my sand filter.

I'm just wondering how these critters get over a 7' tall fence and past two German Shepherd guard dogs at night to take their fateful dip in our pool. It seems that I have a nightly invasion of frogs that appear intent on suicide by pool and my skimmers are full of bugs if the kids swim at night the night before with the underwater lights on.