Dental (TOOL) question.... is this 'dental silver'?

   / Dental (TOOL) question.... is this 'dental silver'? #1  


Elite Member
Apr 6, 2000
Knoxville, TN
International 1066 Full sized JCB Loader/Backhoe and a John Deere 430 to mow with
My father in law was a dentist. Practiced after WWII and passed away maybe ten years ago.

Maybe THIRTY years ago, out here on the farm.... was a shed. They put odds & ends in this shed. One day, a storm came through and blew a big tree over. Luck had it that the shed was standing between the tree and it's landing space so the shed got smashed to smithereens. I don't think anyone EVER went there to salvage anything as the tree was simply swamping the shed.

I've cut within sight of the shed (there was a 'path' that went from 20' of the shed and circled around (blah blah blah)

Yesterday, was out there with the wife. I had placed some decently large rocks (small boulders) with my backhoe there years ago, some Flagstone.... she wants to build something so we went out to see what we can salvage of the hard materials.

That got me looking around up close, like I've never done before.

I found probably fifty (50) dental picks, scrapers and other various tools of pain infliction.... (two LARGE syringes without needles, half a dozen drill handles that HOLD the bit and get attached to the air compressor....

I found this.

Wife said they found some dental gold in the house after he passed. I'm thinking this is probably dental silver.

Came out of the dirt SHINY as can be.... dirt rubbed off and portions are as bright as a mirror. I'd imagine a gentle buffer would make the whole thing sparkle as bright as it can be.

What I'm wondering is, is it really dental silver and is it good for anything around the house (soldering?)

It is FAR more shiny/reflective in person verses the pictures. What looks like rust/oxidation appears to be ground in dirt. Keep in mind, this has been buried for 30 years.



   / Dental (TOOL) question.... is this 'dental silver'? #2  
The fat lady hasn't sang yet but I do believe you finally stumped the TBN brain trust in determining alloy.
   / Dental (TOOL) question.... is this 'dental silver'?
  • Thread Starter
Alas...but what kind of wood...😉
   / Dental (TOOL) question.... is this 'dental silver'? #5  
From the picture it looks silver to me. For reference the other thing appears to be light brown. ;)
   / Dental (TOOL) question.... is this 'dental silver'? #6  
It may actually BE silver. Silver is rather soft and after polishing will oxidize again fairly quickly. A jeweler may be able to identify percentage of silver though it may be fairly pure. I certainly would not waste it by attempting to use it for solder. Try to get a value first. You may be surprised.
   / Dental (TOOL) question.... is this 'dental silver'? #8  
What is dental silver?

What Is Dental Amalgam? Dental amalgam, sometimes called a “silver-filling” due to its appearance, is a mixture of mercury, silver, copper, tin and zinc used to fill cavities in teeth. Dental amalgam is approximately half (50%) mercury, by weight.Sep 24, 2020

   / Dental (TOOL) question.... is this 'dental silver'? #9  
Cool find!

While it could be silver, it would have been an odd form. Normally, one added mercury and metal powder to a capsule, which was thawed shaken in a small machine, and then rapidly transfered and packed into the cavity before the amalgam solidified.

It looks more like a tool to hone dental tools in the grooves, but what do I know?

All the best,

   / Dental (TOOL) question.... is this 'dental silver'? #10  
Cool find!

While it could be silver, it would have been an odd form. Normally, one added mercury and metal powder to a capsule, which was thawed shaken in a small machine, and then rapidly transfered and packed into the cavity before the amalgam solidified.

It looks more like a tool to hone dental tools in the grooves, but what do I know?

All the best,

Boy, that brings back memories...
Hearing the amalgamator running in the dentist office...
