Diesel Addititives - Do I Need To?

   / Diesel Addititives - Do I Need To? #1  


Gold Member
Apr 28, 2011
Mahindra 2216
Recently bought a Mahindra 2216 tractor and it's the first diesel I've owned. Somewhere I had read that diesel fuel was susceptible to some kind of contamination due to growth of bacteria. Should I be adding anything to the fuel to prevent this or is it already treated from the supplier?
Any other additive I should consider for any other reason?
   / Diesel Addititives - Do I Need To? #2  
You can read back a couple of weeks on the forums, this is a hot topic, but the answer is yes, if you want to keep your tractor operating well. It depends on how long the fuel sits and ages. Fuel injector cleaner also goes into my fuel tank..Why would the supplier add anything that increases his cost and price?
   / Diesel Addititives - Do I Need To? #3  
Yes you should. Biocide additive will prevent algae from growing. Doesn't require much, but once you've had algae, you'll see why.

Also, Power Service, the white bottle, will help prevent gelling. People can say what they want, but almost no fuel company is now treating fuel for winter use. Power Service is cheap insurance. One outbreak of gelling and you'll also see what I mean.
   / Diesel Addititives - Do I Need To? #4  
Atgreene, does power service contain biocide? Or is it a different product?
   / Diesel Addititives - Do I Need To? #5  
Schaeffers Diesel Treat 2000 has an additive to prevent the growth of algae. It has a water dispersant and a Cetane booster. In the winter in Mass. you can use Diesel Treat 2000 Winter to prevent gelling. The lubricity package has completely elliminated fuel injector failure with many users.

If you want to compare pricing, check how many gallons of diesel fuel the additive treats. Diesel Treat may be a bit higher per gallon/pint but typically will treat twice the fuel of others cutting your expense.

There are many quality fuel additives available. Schaeffer is but one of them.

One of my clients is a Mahindra dealer. Tough little tractors. You got a work horse. I'll be in Boston for the 1st time in my life weekend of the 19th, any food suggestions?
   / Diesel Addititives - Do I Need To? #6  
Atgreene, does power service contain biocide? Or is it a different product?

you can get a seperate biocide from the white bottle.

my f450 has a 70g in bed tank and I treat it with biocide and silver bottle power service, and white bottle in winter.

   / Diesel Addititives - Do I Need To? #7  

use a aditive for lubricity and and Biocide if fuel will be sitting for a period of time.
   / Diesel Addititives - Do I Need To? #8  
I'll go against the grain here and say you don't need an additive, except in the winter. If your fuel sits for a long period of time, and additive might be a good idea, but otherwise I think its a waste of money. That said, I have a bottle of Power Service at home, that I use in the summer, and a bottle of Howse, that I use in the winter. When I run out of the Power Service, I doubt I will buy more. All of the fuel I buy has some amount of bio-diesel in it, so that takes care of the lubricity issues.
   / Diesel Addititives - Do I Need To? #9  
I'll go against the grain here and say you don't need an additive, except in the winter. If your fuel sits for a long period of time, and additive might be a good idea, but otherwise I think its a waste of money. That said, I have a bottle of Power Service at home, that I use in the summer, and a bottle of Howse, that I use in the winter. When I run out of the Power Service, I doubt I will buy more. All of the fuel I buy has some amount of bio-diesel in it, so that takes care of the lubricity issues.

same here... I really dont use any of the stuff anymore, of course, we dont really have any issues with gelling in Texas...
If I thought I needed some lubricity, I would jsut dump a bottle of 2 stroke oil in the tank. But, like Dodge Man said, most fuel has about 5% biodiesel mixed in now, so no worries...
On the Algecide..... IF you get fuel from a contaminated source and/or the tractor sits for long periods of time... then a SMALL dose of algecide would be ok from time to time...
   / Diesel Addititives - Do I Need To? #10  
I just MMO for lube issues...that is all...And no issue at -20F last year....:)