Backhoe Digging out some stumps

   / Digging out some stumps #11  
I see it kind of like our bodies. You come to a point when you realize the importance of preservation of your resource. You don't try and show off what you can lift. Watch almost any owner/operator contractor. He won't be pushing his equipment to the limit, knowing full well it WILL COST him dearly. I will abuse/sacrafice a cheap consumer power tool or screwdriver but not something that I know will COST big to repair.
   / Digging out some stumps
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Do those of you in cold climates have to dig a footer 4-5 feet deep and pour the whole thing to the top while being careful to not make it a V so the frost can稚 lift it? And what kind of a nightmare is septic and water lines? Locally the frost line is only a few inches deep. 16 deep is plenty for a footer, water lines are good enough at 12 although I try to do better, the top of the septic tank can be barley covered and the fill lines are only about 12 deep, less in places.

Yes we do have to go down that far. Traditional build would be to pour a wider footing at the bottom and then a wall on top of that. A lot of people are also using reinforced foam (for lack of the proper word) forms that stay in the ground with your wall afterwards . No stripping forms and no insulating your concrete wall afterwards.

Same for water lines . 4 feet minimum to get you away from freezing as a rule. The cleanouts of my septic tanks are only 6 inches below the surface. The waste generates its own heat and keeps from freezing.