Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself.

   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself.
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Yeah, what does doing it yourself have to do with "beat up"?

I do all my own maintenance and repairs. Because I can and I know that it's done right or the way I want it done.
Well, I blew out the hydraulic pump, got worn out bearings everywhere especially the arms on the FEL, lost lines on the backhoe till it just dragged behind the tractor, got scouring on the rods that ruined the seals on the hydraulic cylinders, etc....I was young, what can I say.....
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #42  
I never took my John Deere 790 to the dealer for anything, did it myself no matter what it was, but now its pretty beat up. So for my L3301 I am thinking its best to have the dealer do everything, but got to pay pickup and delivery back, to say nothing of the sky high charges, but want to keep this one in immaculate shape. Is it worth it?
I do oil and filter changes myself and lubrication, of course, except for that awful driveshaft Ujoint on the 2025R. Had it lubricated when I had to have the PTO switch replaced. Had to have another shop visit to replace the neutral switch, starter relay and ignition switch.

Hoping this new Kubota B2601 will go at least 9 years before seeing a dealer shop like my first JD tractor did.
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #43  
If it's something I absolutely cannot figure out, even after consulting the interwebs/youtube, ok I'll take it in. Or if it's like my new mower, where working on it myself would void the warranty.

Otherwise nope, I don't trust anybody to do a better job than I'd do myself.
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #44  
i have to do full service on my tractor this spring, after i remove all snow equipment. going to remove loader and clean all piviot points on it again. all greasy and filthy again.
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #45  
I've had my 2004 NH TC35 since fall of 2003. It now has 3500 hours on it. The dealer is about 30 miles away, and since I use my tractor every day, I have always hesitated to lose the work time to getting it back and forth to the dealer. Whether it's luck or just attention, I have always just done the work myself. TBN has been a godsend, since I have taken every meaningful question to the members and always gotten sound and effective advice. Thankfully, the tractor has never had a serious problem. Other than routine maintenance, I've only had to change the starter, the ignition switch, and the battery cables. And I added a block heater which changed everything for cold weather. I have always stored my tractor inside the barn, which I think also greatly preserves it's life and appearance. Best investment I have every made.
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #46  
I do my own maintenance. I just completed Tractor Fluid (15 gallons) and front axle (4 gallons) service on my LS P7010C. Also replaced both hydraulic filters, both engine air filters and cabin air filters.

Was first time I had changed hydraulic oil filters. Found one of them had sucked in what looked like a 3" long piece of cured black silicone, partially blocking filter. Never know what you will find.

   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #47  
I do it all myself including engine rebuilds. Just did a quick in chassis rebuild of my buddies 3 cyl diesel. Not much I wont tackle myself. CJ
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #48  
Routine maintenance tasks like lubrication and fluid and filter changes I will do, battery swaps, radiator flushes, are easy too. A few years ago I had the local dealer crack the tractor and replace the PTO clutch pack and some worn internal piping and shift linkages, as it was worth the cost to have an experienced eye inside the guts assessing what was needed. This tractor will outlast me now with just a little regular maintenance.
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #49  
Got my tractor in 2003 when the dealer was 8 miles away. I did all my own maintenance and they did any warranty work. Since they closed in 2010 I've done everything that the tractor needed. Fortunately it has been only regular maintenance and minor repairs (brakes, shuttle shift linkage, etc.). My closest dealer now is about 3.5 hours away, but they will do mobile repairs. I could load it on the trailer and take it to them, but I'm getting a little older and have had some joints replaced. Not as flexible as I used to be. The costs for me to load the tractor and haul it 175 miles each way (twice) costs more in fuel and time than what they charge to make a "house call". I have a "climate controlled" shop so working on it inside is a breeze. Going to have them come up and install a grapple and third function this spring. We have a lot of trees to clean up after some storms this winter. I also get all my parts from them - it only takes a day or two to get them delivered and I'm never in a big hurry these days.
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #50  
I remember when I said.. hmmm.. there are a few things that I'm not 100% about and the tractor hit 1000 hours. I'll take it to the dealer and have them "detail and check it out"

Came back.. wasn't fixed properly, 6 months later same issues because of that. Most regular service I do it myself now. Even the more challenging stuff.. I'd rather have my tractor around working at 1/2 speed than wait for someone to "get to it and do a 1/2 a*s job"

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