Do you Text message while driving the tractor

   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #81  
Forget the safety issues. I get on the tractor precisely to escape the part of my world that involves cellphones, computers, the internet, etc.

I don't drive a tractor for hours on end in order to make a living so my reasons and needs are different than some of you. I don't even want the cellphone with me when I'm on the tractor.

My thoughts exactly.;)
   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #82  
Boy, Oh Boy! I feel ignorant,... I don't own or use any of it. We only have access to very slow dial-up and land-line telephone but all this blueberry,cell phone stuff, I missed when I jumped out of the "Rat-Race" and don't need it now. The kids offered us a cell-phone but we turned 'em down,.....for the privacy.

Seems almost "every" man, woman, or child has a phone stuck to the side of their head. Traffic constantly backed up, or screwed up because some idiot with a phone is proving that sh/he obviously can't handle both issues at once. To emphasize the point, when you honk at the one sitting (on the phone) through the second green light, they have no idea what the problem is! You run up and tell them: "the light is green"! They look up with that blank stare of ignorance and ask: "whaaaaaaaat"?

My Cab-tractor carries a Cobra 2-way radio in case my invalid wife needs me, but only for emergencies and thus far,.. just the daily test.

Yes I have an MP-3 full of mainly country music, (pedal-steel-stuff). I gutted a big old set of earmuff type headphones and installed the earbuds in them. The buds don't contact the ear and volume is low so I can hear the important "mechanical" sounds outside the cab.

To me,..peacefullness is "just" me, delightful diesel, soft music, pleasant country scenery and a little room to think,(or not). Rolling nicely with cruise set is a perfect opportunity for an informal chat with the Lord,..(if that turns you on as it does me!!) Country living in an air-conditioned cab,..alone with no blueberries, cell phones or other annoyances, (IMHO), for "me", just "Heaven-On-Earth"!!! (oh, er,..the Caps? They're to emphasize the meaning of "MY" personal thought I'm expressing!! (operative word,.."MY")

However,...if all those electronics are a part of "your" particular life,..fine, I have no problem with any of that,...(as long as you are not screwing up the traffic in "my" particular lane when I'm out there on the road with you).

HEY ! ..the answer to your question is NO! ...but thanks for letting me vent,..I know I talk a lot lately, I'll make my apology and get myself on outta here eh !!
. . tug
   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #83  
I really don't consider TV a basic need, or the microwave that I use maybe 3 times a month, I'm also in the John Madden "no fly club". Now that toilet paper stuff, that was a good idea.:)


I never considered TV a basic need either, but apparently congress does since they spent however many dollars in DTV converter box coupons so that everyone could have television after the switch from analog broadcast.
   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #84  
If I am doing something that doesn't take a whole lot of attention, yup. Was texting and emailing while mowing a pasture today. Three hours of 4 MPH gives you plenty of time. Now had I been trying to run a tiller or a planter, nope. That will leave a year long evidence of my goof up.
   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #85  
1) Who has time to text while operating a tractor.
2) Who can type (text) using a phone keypad? I need a full size keyboard to type things here.
3) I can't hear a cell phone ring on the tractor. Even if I did I'd have to stop the tractor to talk and find out who called.
4) If I'm running the tractor I need to concentrate on the task at hand.
So I guess my answer to the question is no.
   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #86  
I use the phone a lot in the tractor but then it is a cabbed tractor with relatively low noise.

Most of the time it is actually work related etc, so pretty necessary. You've got to get the hang of holding the phone between your ear and your shoulder, then you still have both your hands free :D

As for texting, I will as long as I am not trying to drive in a straight line and do not need to watch too much. But I normally just text quickly on the headland, like girls are important are they not ;)