Dog pics

   / Dog pics #3,641  
Different animal, both in social behavior and size.

Don't know about you, never tried to train a horse to do his duty outside.

Still remember decades ago in high school band that horses didn't seem to care where they wen't during a parade.
Frank's dog had the same problem?
   / Dog pics #3,644  
We don't let our dogs roam outside without us.

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   / Dog pics #3,645  
I could never understand why somebody would ge a dog if it just stays outside.
I grew up in the 50's, in the country. People looked at dogs...especially the adults...a bit different then. They were more like farm animals, than pets; and in any case, they slept in the barn or the garage for the most part. When we first got married, we made out dogs stay outside, until we had our two daughters...and then our dogs were pets and were part of the family...and they sleep inside now.
   / Dog pics #3,646  
I grew up in the 50's, in the country. People looked at dogs...especially the adults...a bit different then. They were more like farm animals, than pets; and in any case, they slept in the barn or the garage for the most part. When we first got married, we made out dogs stay outside, until we had our two daughters...and then our dogs were pets and were part of the family...and they sleep inside now.
Back in the 50's, and 60's it was also OK to let dogs run around terrorizing the countryside. That's a lot less acceptable now.
   / Dog pics #3,647  
Some people have dogs for friendship.
Some people have dogs for yard art.
I'm definitely the former!
   / Dog pics #3,648  
We don't let our dogs roam outside without us.

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Do you ever see them? I've only seen one in my lifetime, and it was while glassing some deer on the opposite ridge. It walked from left to right, across the ridge. I guess it was visible for about 2 or 3 minutes. What amazed me the most was how fluid it looked. One of those things I'll never forget!!!
   / Dog pics #3,649  
Some people have dogs for friendship.
Some people have dogs for yard art.
I'm definitely the former!
The issue is yard art is an inanimate object that dosen't cause issues eleswhere off your property, nor can it propagate.

I drove up for the Sunday paper this morning and saw 3 peices of art wearing collars basically walking up and down the road without any people near by. No doubt these people use dogs for yard art as well.

Dog has a job to do ouside working with other anmials, let them do their job, and generally, those dogs are happy performing those jobs and they don't wonder because they have a job to do. Otherwise, if you can't contain your dog and you let it do as it desires outside wondering onto other people's property, simple...don't own a dog.

I for the life of me can't understand why people who lose dogs or have their dogs hit by a car off their property keep getting dogs, only to have the same thing hapen again and again.
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   / Dog pics #3,650  
I don't understand how somebody can listen to a dog barking for hours on end without it driving them crazy... like it does to their neighbors.
Some breeds don't mind being outside, huskies are a good example. People who raise hounds leave them out and don't seem to notice the constant ruckus because the dogs want to be doing something.

Others such as retriever breeds are more social and are meant to be part of the family.