Dog pics

   / Dog pics #3,781  
I few pics taken on the trails today. In all of them, he was told to be wherever he was, in the photo.. No shock collar has ever used on him and he never leaves us for more than a few minutes while out there... In the first one, he is about 8ft high. No he didn't want to be up there but we made him do this as practice for him "yes, you will listen".. Ya, we train them.
   / Dog pics #3,787  
here is my new rescue sunny on "the walking tree"

She was so cute, just sitting there and of course the minute you reach for the camera, off she goes.

We cross this tree twice a day, every day. Last winter i almost broke my azz because of the ice!

I wonder if i have an old pair of golf shoes with the metal spikes?
