Driveway markers

   / Driveway markers #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
Hi all,

I have used wooden stakes for driveway markers, and my ground is to rocky to drive them in much.

I have used those skinny fiberglass rods that have a reflective strip, but they suck as well.

My best luck was with HD T-Posts painted yellow, but they are a bear to drive into the ground. Not easy to get out either.

Just wondering what everyone else is using, maybe some good ideas.

   / Driveway markers #2  
What's the purpose of the markers? Mark for snow plowing?
   / Driveway markers #3  
I bought a pile of those fiberglass rods for various markers. Disappointed that the reflective material wasn't very UV resistant. US made too!
   / Driveway markers #4  
I use rebar; easy to hammer into my rocky ground. I put orange survey tape and reflective tape on them.
   / Driveway markers #5  
I hate using anything, that if it ever gets into the wrong place could do serious damage. And you know, that's exactly where stuff ends up.
   / Driveway markers #6  
I hate using anything, that if it ever gets into the wrong place could do serious damage.

Same here.. I have trash trucks run them over etc. I know were the grass starts and ends, that's all I need to know..
   / Driveway markers #7  
Why not put in a couple of bushes or landscape plants ?...blueberry bushes, ornamental fruit trees etc.
   / Driveway markers #8  
If the soil is that hard I’d hit the holes with a long hammer drill bit and use the skinny fiberglass reflective markers- it’s probably a 1/4”-5/16” bit. If the soil is that tough 6” in the ground is all you should need. The cordless hammer drills are fairly common these days.
   / Driveway markers #9  
I use the fiberglass rods as markers for snow removal since the edge of the driveway falls off steeply in sections. They are flimsy enough to get eaten and spit out by the snowblower. If I buy them in the spring they cost $0.99 each for the four footers and $1.50 each for the six footers.
   / Driveway markers #10  
I mark various stumps as obstacles or for future grinding. Drill a 1/2' hole with a cordless tool and stick in a fiberglass rod. I bought, like fifty or so, as they get much cheaper that way.

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