Eastern Mountain Lion Declared Extinct

   / Eastern Mountain Lion Declared Extinct #21  
There have been sights on the Eastern Cougar in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and even in Ontario for years. Not too many, but enough to know that it is not extinct as it was thought, but in very very low numbers. I'm sure that this species is the same as in the Eastern US as they don't recognize borders or homeland security. There is hope, but only if we manage it properly
   / Eastern Mountain Lion Declared Extinct #22  
Or less. I've got 2x4s with bark on 4 sides.

Seen it too.....Go to one of the 'big box' lumber stores and look at a pile of 2x4's.....you'll see the tree center in 75% of them. GOT to be cutting them out of really small logs....5-6" at most.
   / Eastern Mountain Lion Declared Extinct #23  
Maybe they are extinct in your state(s) but they are not extinct in North America, because we have them here in Northern Ontario (Canada) . We have regular sightings of cougars reported ( my wife even saw one three years ago cross the highway in front of her) ..........considering I live 30 minutes from Sault Michigan , I would consider that "EAST" mountain lion (cougar).

Yes, its a mountain lion. But its not an eastern mountain lion. It's a genetically different species. They've found them in Illinois in recent years. But they are the western species, all young males, probably seeking new territory.
   / Eastern Mountain Lion Declared Extinct #24  
Here in N.E. GA I've seen a big cat that as close as I could see was identical to what is called a panther in FL...However they are never mentioned in hunting literature like other non game or alien species...
   / Eastern Mountain Lion Declared Extinct #25  
Agree. Out here where I live when they first started logging trees were so plentiful that they considered any tree less than 3 feet diameter to be a weed and not worth harvesting. Now they harvest 12 inch diameter trees.

Friend of mine logged an acre or so several years ago. Logger would no take anything larger than 45", no mills around now that can handle anything larger!
I remember touring the Wherhouser Mill B in Everrett WA when I was in forestry school, it was designed for minimum 6' diameter logs. They were cutting 3' -4' stuff that day, looked like tooth picks in that headsaw!
   / Eastern Mountain Lion Declared Extinct #26  
Do you have any proof that "they" have been releasing cougars for more than 30 years?
Proof;nothing concrete just dozens of sightings by reliable out-doors people;including NYS employees.
We had one across the road from my house;I personally didn't see it,several neighbors did;it had a black radio tracking collar on.Around that same time I had an under-cover(plain wrapper) state car with all kinds of antennas parked just off my yard.
Again;if they don't exist in New York state why are they protected?We don't protect elephants or rhino.
NY won't admit because of liability issues.
   / Eastern Mountain Lion Declared Extinct #27  
Species go extinct all the time, what really gets to people is when it is a beauty like the cougar. Look at your nature channels, more than half the shows feature lions , tigers, leopards and other big cats.
   / Eastern Mountain Lion Declared Extinct #28  
The Florida Cougar is a subspecies of the Eastern Cougar. Is it is off the list, too?