Backhoe Electronic ignition conversion

   / Electronic ignition conversion #1  


Gold Member
Aug 17, 2012
McDonough, NY
TC45DA, TC40DA, Farmall Super A, New Idea spreader, Dolmar and Echo saws, Yanmar MIniEx, Ford 3550 backhoe, lots of junk
I have an old (1974) 3 cylinder 3550 backhoe. Is there an electronic ignition conversion available for it? Is it a big deal to install?

Thanks, Eddie 48
   / Electronic ignition conversion #2  
I have an old (1974) 3 cylinder 3550 backhoe. Is there an electronic ignition conversion available for it? Is it a big deal to install?

Thanks, Eddie 48

I converted my 3 cyl. 1970 Ford 3400TLB, and it was very easy.
"Petronix" kit as I recall.
   / Electronic ignition conversion #3  
   / Electronic ignition conversion
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Thank you, both, for your help and information. I'll try it sometime over the winter.

   / Electronic ignition conversion #5  
These conversions have been done extensively on old muscle cars and they always work out well. I think you will be pleased.
   / Electronic ignition conversion #6  
I installed the Pertronix kit on a 3000 and it worked flawlessly for 13 years. Ive since sold that tractor so can't vouch for it now but will bet it's still running fine.
   / Electronic ignition conversion #7  
I like Pertronix myself but I have had some troubles with their units. I think they are good for consumer use but fall short on reliability in commercial use.

If you use them hard every day they will fail. What fails I don't know. By hard I mean running 24/7 on a irrigation pumping unit motor. I've also seen the magnets fall out of the piece that fits under the rotor. Luckily I found them all inside the distributor and was able to hold them in place with a piece of scotch tape.

Often though they are the only conversion available and I wouldn't hesitate to use them. Go to their website aand figure out which unit will work. Google that part number as you can get unit's a lot cheaper online vs picking them up in a store.

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