FarmTrac Troubles

   / FarmTrac Troubles #1,442  
Thats because they make it so easy for me to do my job Red,heck, if they get any more stupid I may retire and get me a shrimp boat. Tax

Quit using that word----they may send you a golf "coarse" invitation!!!! something about the bottom of the pond!!!
   / FarmTrac Troubles #1,443  
Remember Uncle BoooDrow had a shrimp boat---no motor--- got sails---would not work---to far from the hot air in Washington DC---traded it for a shrimp row boat---Hired a bunch of guys to paddle the boat-----couldn't get it to go either---Everytime he would yell ROW the guys all jumped up and got in a row---come to find out those guys where all CEO?'s from some street up in New York and They were just in the habit of getting in a row for government hand outs---hope your boat has a "GOOD" Motor!!!!
   / FarmTrac Troubles #1,444  
Quit using that word----they may send you a golf "coarse" invitation!!!! something about the bottom of the pond!!!
I know Red, but I'm from louisiana, you know I can't resist water.besides you and old Blue and SESS will fish me out and help me get them bricks they payed me with outa my pockets.:D
   / FarmTrac Troubles #1,445  
While i understand and appreciate the pains being taken by Farmtrac dealers,What will happen when parts especially for the utility tractors run out.
Is anyone importing?
Textron should finalise a regular source .
Has anyone approached Escorts in India for warranty?
I am worried about the parts because the major source will remain the manufacturer?
   / FarmTrac Troubles #1,446  
I know a little bit about the parts orders and shipments.

Several modes of action are in place. I am not concerned with parts supply at this time.

   / FarmTrac Troubles #1,447  
SMITH MALL ('n Oates) -- Escorts vanished back to the motherland with the cash. This article will tell you about it. Mrs. Mal(s) can certainly "rely on the old man's [Farmtrac-supplied] money" -- heaping mounds of it.

TIM C. -- You were nothing short of solid gold in explaining the inflated financing tactics Textron used. Had my pencil and scratchpad workin' overtime. With the recent post on the parts situation, you mentioned knowing something about it but hit a snag soon afterward.

Well, use that other typin' finger and .... c'mon with it, already. Time's a wastin', partner.

ALL READERS -- Looks like some of them-thar mid-eastern folk are doin' OK selling tractors, according to this article.

TAXPAYER -- be careful of the golfing facility TFC invites you to... especially if it has a creek. Their legal dept. may issue you special golfin' shoes -- made of cee-ment. No Bayou Boys are permitted to sleep with the fishes!

Regards, all!

   / FarmTrac Troubles #1,448  
Good article Blue,the old nose still working fine I see,we should be optimistic that we will come out OK since the government didn't see fit to help us.the tractor industry is doing better than the government backed financial world about now and we actually know how to do real work also.

dogone you and Red done got me feeling bad now, I sure did want to play me some of that there golf, strut around in them fancy cow pastures wearing my purdy duds,mighta even got me one of little drinks in a real glass with a little umbrella in it.shucks ,there goes my shrimp boat.
   / FarmTrac Troubles #1,449  
are there parts on water/order. More info would help.
   / FarmTrac Troubles #1,450  

A few have been air transported in to the US and have cleared Customs.

Larger "slow boat" order is due to enter Customs within the next two weeks. Could be as early as this week. But Customs has been slow since 9/11. That gave them an excuse to be slow in clearing shipments and any time you push them you get "It is for you safety". What a dodge to not work.

Bulk order is being packed now.

Sorry, that is all the detail I can provide here.
