First Maintenance Job ?

   / First Maintenance Job ?
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Really appreciate all the feedback guys. I am heading to my local dealer to get some filters so I can refresh the fluids. We had 116 degrees Fahrenheit here a couple of days ago in Sydney so certainly a good clean out around the radiator is also on the cards.

And I will start to document the maintenance history.
   / First Maintenance Job ? #12  
I keep a record of my service history on the blank pages at the end of the owner's manual. I also used to write the change date on the filters with a Sharpie but it fades so much I gave up on that.

Another thing I would recommend is spending the money on getting an owner's manual if you don't have one as well as the factory service manual. Also, with the service manual buy the parts list. The parts list has better illustrations as well as the parts least for my Kubota. This can be pricey but it is well worth it. I think I got my service manual and parts list from Messicks. Around $110 if I remember correctly.
   / First Maintenance Job ? #13  
Welcome to TBN Ben.
As others already said,if you have doubts etc. something doesn't seem right repair or replace soon as you can which will save you headache also lots of $$$'s.