Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #136,421  
2021-08-01, 0657

55° right now...high about 70 and rain (about ½") today...afternoon, per the forecast, but pretty overcast right now.

Other than more weed trimming, not much planned today
   / Good morning!!!! #136,422  
wow it's August already... :rolleyes:
   / Good morning!!!! #136,423  
i wonder how much rain all at one time it would take to put out the Californian and Oregon fires.
Probably about the same amount that caused the landslides in Santa Barbara a few years ago. Once the fire takes out all the grasses, brush, and trees, there's nothing left to hold the soil in place in the mountains. Last week there were thunderstorms north of here that caused flash flooding in some of the burned areas. Big problems, too, with the rain after the Camp Fire. Gentle rain that has time to soak in, then clear skies to let things dry out, is what we need. But as long as the Pacific High stays in place, we'll continue to have hot and dry weather. Last year, it lasted into December...
   / Good morning!!!! #136,425  
RNG, gator is still spewing out fuel.
Have you checked the float needle tip and seat? If the tip wears, the notch may no longer seal. If the seat is damaged or dirty, same deal. If dirt gets in the seat, sometimes you can get in there with a pencil eraser and clean it up.

I bought one of these test kits a while back when I was chasing fuel pressure issues on the van. Worked well...
   / Good morning!!!! #136,426  
Weather Today.JPG

Pretty soupy this morning. Cut grass yesterday so this should help bring more. :rolleyes: No rain but fog is evident out the back windows. What happened to July? Did I miss it?
   / Good morning!!!! #136,427  
:coffee: 71 going to 83, and probably more rain. We got about 0.3 welcome inches last night. My wife made me promise to water the garden at sunrise today if the rain I promised didn't come last night. So I'm drinking coffee instead. :cool:

LS, it sure is good to hear from ya again. You've been busy. Glad you got your shots, and good luck on the lottery...I wonder how many new shots are prompted by that offer? ...and then the cost per new shot produced? I hope it works to get more folks vaccinated.

Kyle, good luck getting the Gator fixed...sounds like you have good help here. Years ago I bought my first gas blade cutter - it was a McCulloch, and I frequently had to clean the muffler screen or it wouldn't run.

Thomas, congrats on that roof. You need to send those squirrels to electrical school. ;)

BEF, pretty place. Hope your feet feel better this morning.

Finally got some seat time yesterday...about 2 hours. Also got a nice 5 mile hike in, and noticed a lot of red, yellow and brown leaves on the trail already...and a few green has been very dry the past month, so I think some types of trees are shedding a bit.
   / Good morning!!!! #136,428  
Good Morning!!!! 75F @ 4:30AM. Sunny. High 102F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.
Air quality is pretty good now, but the wind is out of the northeast, and it's likely to get much worse.

Good to hear from you again, Ted. Sorry to read the knee isn't doing better, but glad you got some rain. Isn't it monsoon season down there now?

August 1. July has been a scorcher, I can't wait to see what August brings. Out of the frying pan, into the fire?

Sounds like a pretty challenging ride, Bruce. Especially with the heat. Did you soak your jersey to stay cool?

Finally got some clean air yesterday, and made a start on the wiring. Mostly prep, laying out and marking a path to uncoil the wire, and doing a little clean up in the garage. Decided to mount a junction box on a pair of t-stakes, so found a couple of bent up stakes and got them straightened out, then wasted 45 minutes looking for the stake pounder. I'd put it somewhere I wouldn't lose it. :oops: :rolleyes:

By then it was lunch time, and too warm to work in the sun afterwards. FedEx had dropped off the new drive shaft for the red bike, so I went up the hill to get it. The Knack box was unlocked, and the mail man had left two parcels in it, but the drive shaft was left laying in the driveway. Glad we don't have porch pirates in this area, that would have been five hundred bux out the window. The day before I'd installed a new exit sensor on the gate, and the side-by-side didn't have any trouble tripping it. A fox had left his calling cards on top of the hockey puck shaped sensor, making is territory.

U-joint on the new drive shaft is nice and tight, so that should be the end of the vibration problem with the old one. Had to call a friend for help getting a circlip into place, got schooled in proper use of fingers and screwdriver. Then the usual routine fighting the rubber boot around the u-joint to get the four bolts installed, and got lucky with a magnet stick when I dropped one by mistake. By then I was too tired, hungry, and hot to wrestle said boot back onto the mounting flange of the transmission housing, so adjourned to the patio for a margarita and a cool shower.

Still no sign of Stubby, and it looks like his girlfriend Tasty might have a new friend. She isn't sharing her meal worms with him yet, though.😄


Can you find the helicopter returning to base after a long day fighting the Dixie Fire?

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.
   / Good morning!!!! #136,429  
66° now at the campground.
My sister and family stopped at campground for a visit last night. They were on their way to Lancaster and Hershey area for the week.
So we had s’mores ready for them.
Will be checking out after noon sometime. Calling for some rain anytime.
Simple breakfast today, heat up leftover sausage from yesterday, cereal and pop tarts. Lol.
   / Good morning!!!! #136,430  
Morning all;

RNG, just a comment when you pull your wire it will pull much easier if you pull from the high ground to the low.
It's surprising how much difference it will make, also wire lube will help a lot.