Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #162,781  
When we arrived in California many years ago we were invited to a family living in a community with large boats tied to their private dock. It was a whole new world for us with predicted course competitions and light shows for boat parades at Christmas. Beautiful trips to Catalina Island were very enjoyable
   / Good morning!!!! #162,782  
My father and I looked at coachman more impressed with Monaco but that was in late 90s early 2000s.
   / Good morning!!!! #162,783  
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showered and shaved, trimmed the beard as short as it will go, put on nice clothes vs the bluejeans and sweat pants
I normally live in, and hope my brother has chosen a nice place to eat. Since I'm driving, he's buying.
I'm guessing either the 1740 house in Lumberville or the Tower tavern near Bowman's Tower. We usually go to his accounting clients.
Good business in small town.
When I insured half the people in town, it was always an issue of where to buy stuff.
became very uncomfortable when you wanted to sell your home and you had almost ten realtors as clients.
Once that listing goes in, will be 9 annoyed clients for sure.

Buppies, no question, Monaco nicer. Often bigger motor. I happened to like their Camelot model, natch, due to my boat...
But this is a Chevrolet striving to be a Buick. Not much curb appeal... Same powertrain pretty much, I think 340hp is minimum for these. I avoided the smaller block
300hp models. Takes a lot of torque to move these fat daddies along. I like the calm interior and it has the preferred easy chair setup for me.
Outside is a big if. Wonder if it has any shine left.

I need to send my helper up on the roof too. Want to see how old the caulk looks. At least climb the ladder, which I can do but probably
not wisely.

My Bertram motoryacht was kept under the sheds on the Chesapeake. A 1981 with exactly the same issues of caulking and leaks.
Under the shed you are oblivious. But go on a trip and then things start to drip.
Since I highly doubt I will find an affordable place to keep this covered, for sure I need to get the roof thoroughly brought up to date.
All kinds of specialty roofing material for that.
   / Good morning!!!! #162,784  
Good morning to all! Low of 21°, going up to 44°, sunny, lighter winds at 10-15 mph. Winds were battering stuff around last night, highest gust recorded was 56 mph.

The winds were strange last night.... sounded like a wall hitting --- a low boom. Then the winds would last 15-20 minutes, and then nothing.... like a switch turned it off. A few minutes later ---- repeat the same. Strange for sure. You could almost hear the wind coming.

Drew, seems to be a good buy. As long as major work not needed. I would be concerned about blowing a turbo. That could be oil pressure issues. You have the right approach getting it checked out. The RV rental was high priced ....

Ken and Wng, hope the mini-split installs go as planned.
I/we have been considering getting a Mr. Cool unit. Is there anything in the manual about installing the outside unit in a shady area? On spot I was thinking about doesn't get any sun except for very late afternoon, couple hours tops.

Don, nice campground. Odd that they have the same price for all the different spots. Most places charge more for the big 'pull throughs', especially one with a 'yard'.

A story about keys..... When at work, there were 'key boxes' for each of the ambulances. They had gas cards and 2 sets of keys, one set for each crew member. When you started the shift, they were handed out by the logistics crew. A third set always stayed with the rig.
So, we get our 'key box' and head out for duty. It was a very quiet Saturday morning, not many calls, so we decide to make a quick stop for some coffee. We park, lock the rig (leaving it running), and go into the shop. Of course we get a call, so head back to the rig. None of our spare keys open the truck!

UH,OH..... called dispatch and told them what was going on. They assigned the call to another crew. A couple minutes later, the on duty commander calls me. 30 minutes later, he shows up with our correct key box..... apparently another crew going out at the same time had ours, we had theirs. A few days later, there was a new procedure when being assigned a truck, especially how key boxes were accounted for.....

Today's agenda will be to continue to work on the list. Nothing else added (yet), so making progress..... probably tackle flushing the tankless WH. Need to set up a recirculating pump / bucket and let it run for about an hour. Hopefully, there won't be a lot of scale to get out. It's overdue being done for a year.

I will have to go to the auto parts store though. When I was getting filters for the car/truck, I was curious if they had filters for the tractor.... lo and behold, they actually had the tractor listed in the computer! Had to order them out of Lubbock Tx, but they got transferred in a day. Forgot to pick them up yesterday. Same price as the dealer, but then don't have to pay $15 for shipping.

The stock tank heater in the pond has kept it ice free for the past few days. Finally a plan comes together. The birds are appreciating the water. Flocks have been taking turns getting drinks and baths.

Forgot to look for birdseed at Costco yesterday.... didn't put it on the list. Maybe have one more fill left. Maybe I'll stop at Wally World when I go for the filters......

Everyone have a great day!
   / Good morning!!!! #162,785  
Drew my dad looked at motor homes for two years got me involved. The last time we looked was in Greensboro they had the dynasty I think it was $275000 list offered $165000 the guy said no but would think about it. We walked around some more my dad said what would you do if he took the offer, I looked at him and said you wanted it or so you said. The salesman found us later and said $170000. Dad said no and said how did you get so close to price I said homework
   / Good morning!!!! #162,786  
and for you motorheads, if I could afford it, particularly if the market wasn't down, I would look for the 400hp Cummins. 600 is for the big double rear axle rigs.
There are millions of these engines out there. Parts are reasonable.

But no matter what, Gale Banks makes wonderful diesel mods for more power and even economy. If you are in Iowa, likely you don't need the full
power setting...but if I have to cross the Appalachians heading West, and then after Texas, cross the Rockies, I'd better have enough motor.
this is life in the slow lane, bunch of motorized elephants plodding along in the right lane. It's pretty relaxing if you aren't competing with other cars out there.
Like with boats, I think cooling system happiness high on list. New belts, new water pump impeller/whole thing, of course all new fluids. And whatever Allison approved
maintenance is needed on trans. For age more than hours. Just like us...stuff falls apart.
Already has a new turbo. Bet they started it up after it sat for months. Dry turbos spinning at 30,000 rpm don't end well.

Scaredy, stay strong, keep your sense of humor. Focus on other good things.
I've divorced two women and gave them 100 percent of what they asked for.
That worked well. One is still a close friend. Second one is in Hawaii where I think she needs to stay.
yes, divorces are expensive.
Third one died on me. Just keep an open mind for the future.

I think of how incredibly happy Toppop was to find someone to love and love him back after his wife died.

Since I don't happen to be currently pursued by too many rich widows,
perhaps getting an rv will get me out there more.
   / Good morning!!!! #162,787  
Drew for some reason I see you running a charter service in the islands running that scout or Boston Whaler 425, either one fits grey hair beard and lightly tanned.
   / Good morning!!!! #162,788  
61°F and no rain

Picked up 12 new PV panels in town yesterday after very nice late lunch with Sophie. Will install these carport style to be roof for my tractor shed expansion. Will not be a quick project.

Today I will get started erecting the actual structure. Look forward to manhandling 4x6’s etc - not. slow and easy.

Prayers for all
Be safe
Have a great day
   / Good morning!!!! #162,789  
Bumble around and take my time is a benefit of retirement. And I use that in spades. Seems like the day is gone before I know it. Does not have to be productive all the time as long as essentials are taking care of. Just a few ramblings this morning.

I have a volunteer to help me install the mini split. Daughter that I made to fix her Subaru is going to help with off loading anything that can hurt my shoulder. Paying 4600 dollars in labor cost for a simple system is over the top. So I will head down that path now with first item being the inside unit mounting and hole sawing the brick wall. More to come.

On losing keys. Happened to me on a trip to Switzerland, Lucerne. Coming back to the car the key was in the ignition but car was locked and it was a holiday with no one able to help. So had to hang out at the restaurant for most of the day. But not a bad place to be.

I lost one turbo a couple of years ago. They are not cheap