Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #183,711  
25 going to 52 and then rain tonight. We've already set a December record, and probably have for January, too.

RNG, I sometimes get frustrated with Costco not continuing to sell certain items, but they know their business, and execute well. I've noticed that all big box retailers vary their inventory across stores. It's especially apparent when shopping for an item online to pickup. Sorry about your oak tree.

LS, we buy the Executive membership, and get the rebate check each year, which pays back the membership fee plus more. Hope your storm wasn't too bad.

Hope Makani is better.

Mostly, hope you didn't catch it.

Wednesday I worked on my firewood for half a day and got caught up. So yesterday, took the day off and did a long mountain hike on a mountain I've been longing to climb for a long time. Was fun, but challenging. Pix later. Need to get back outside to feed the birds.
   / Good morning!!!! #183,712  
25 outside this AM. Heading to mid 40's. Rain expected this evening.

Yesterday the wife and I decided on a break and headed out for a nature hike near the Appalachian trail by Front Royal. It was good getting away from.. stuff.

The dog enjoyed it too.


Hope all have a good day and a better weekend.
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   / Good morning!!!! #183,713  
Morning all, 26 going to 47 and calling for another inch of rain.
Roof leaking again.

Another high school buddy passed suddenly. His son had died a little over a year ago and his mom right before that.

Our big boss quit, thankfully, new big boss starts in a few months. He will have a lot to fix.

Back to the day job,
Be well
   / Good morning!!!! #183,714  
Good Morning!

God has given us another chance to get it right (or at least not screw up too badly).

24.2F going into the 30’s, intermittent rain.

Had a nice day off, took a spur-of-the-moment trip to BigCity for lunch, dogs got trip up the mountain, set out appointment schedule with chiro to end of March. harvested another 6 gallons of tree sap, boiled down another pint of syrup from the last batch.

Today will be some administrative running around, need to get some cabbages and feed pellets for the chickens, maybe hit a couple thrifts for S&Gs.. .

i *** everyone has a happy healthy safe blessed day!
   / Good morning!!!! #183,715  
Good evening all. 36ºF for the start , mostly clear, light breeze. Moderate wind , brisk gusts, some clouding up, and high temp was 67ºF. Putter to start, get some bill paid and in the mail. Got Volagi ready for the road, recharged headlight, tail light, moved cadence sensor on it, went for bike ride, wind worse than I realized. .8 mph difference between ground speed and airspeed. Grilled brats for diner, today last nice day for a while. Starting Sunday high's only in the low 20's through Tuesday, Then some warming back to the 40's. Insert will get a workout tomorrow only in the 40's. A lot of the family at the gatherings have repost Covid positive results, going to lay low for a while
Saturday 9 AM posts
Drew hope the birds like the new feeder.
Kilroy yeah you made it through week one. Have you tried any of your homemade syrup. Glad you were able to harvest more sap.
Scotty good choice on gun store. Hope yo can get enough rocks out of the field and into the crossing. good luck with distributor.
Frits hope daughter can give good report on Ashton Martin test drive.
Kilroy just think how much trouble they would have with elevator :)
Drew hope your new peanuts behave :)
Kilroy that is quite the concentration. Hope it doesn't crystalize.
Drew I think you made a funny ;)
Don congrats on getting lawn mowed with new knee. Hope Pickelball went well.
Kilroy neat! how does it taste?
David good luck with scag getting started. Ground wire?
Dennis quite the heard of deer on new land.
Billy so when I decode it I should keep quiet?
David the increase in generator time because of solar panel work and problems with the new equipment.
Chris always a sad day when Christmas tree comes down, I hope to do one next year. Glad hole dug and cold not issue for pouring concrete
Frits looks like what I was driving on the Bull Shoals to Saint Ann run in 1/5.
Kilroy interesting trivia.
RS yea water on and no leaks. Good to hear parts on their way. Hope you are ready to install them when they arrive.
Dennis hope you enjoyed the snow.
Randy(wag) glad paddock 6 chain harrowed, hope "dust" washed off no problem and church was good.
Drew hope bot much sleet on top of snow.
Dennis that and scared of liability of what someone might use ammo for :)
Don nice pickleball setup. Hope knee didn't complain too much!
Thomas hope you got prep complete in spite of tired tire.
Dennis LoL
Helo nice job clearing ice. Nice to hear all happy now. Sorry dog not like indoors.
Sunday 4 AM CST
Ron good luck swapping loaded tires. Nice cardinal.
Drew glad not much to shovel and power on :) Nice house, too much for two people. I think you meant C-130 not a McDonnell product.
Phil Phil enjoy the snow and the cleanup seat time :) Nice project.
Billy bet it would be fun hiking in snow when you are ready for it. Murphy the cause of plumbing timing ;)
NHBX enjoy the snow.
Frits glad snow cleanup a snap. Nice to hear no ice issues.
Scott(vt) hope snow control went well and church too. Neighbor had ATV with plow, had limits from traction on how much snow he could push, 6 inch wet snow was beyond what he could do.
Mike hope planning and paper work went well, good to hear good new about family.
RNG hope you can get better reporting, sound like you were talking to a trust fund baby ;) Hope you were able to make progress on punch list and wood stove humming.
Bill hope you don't burn too much oil.
Lou good to hear coal fire hot and wife happy. Breakfast sounds good.
Don we had an outbreak of Covid in family, getting total vaxers and non vaxers alike, some had it previous, and first timers.
Thomas hop game was good. nice snow amount.
Paul nice snow pics, glad markers out before needed. Hope trips went well.
Drew sorry no Kodak moment. Glad no problems on trip inspite not the good in snow tires. Thanks for pic
Buppies glad no power loss. 1 to 6 inch rain quite the range in prediction.
Ken sorry about the chaos. Glad it all worked out and you got around safely. Hope you were able to get back on sheetrock today. Nice pics
Scotty nice choice, hope you had fun picking it out. Good luck with CCW permit.
Lou thanks for extra pics.
Ted glad no rude awakenings. Enjoy your inside day. Sorry about short night for daughter.
Ken sorry you are still losing weight, and I am finding it :(
David hope the issues get worked through. Hope football was good.
Plowhog nice pic hope you get caught up on snow.
NHBX nice pic
Dennis glad good worship, and good lunch. M Nice to Hear snow and ice minimal impact on travel.
Buppies sorry about wind.
Dennis interesting graph.
Buppies good to know.
Thomas plenty of snow , good to hear roof have been cleaned. Enjoy the game.
Randy(wag) that is very sad news. Hope maintenance work went well.
PJ glad welding table assembly went well and repair of tp holder is wife approved and she is happy. Good to hear family visiting went well
Bill have fun storm watching.
Scotty good work on tiller.
Bill ??
Kyle hope coyote hunt goes well. Hope you get the Hoppes #9 soon. They were proud of that ammo, $5 a round, nice deer. If she not chomping at bit to go to college it is a waste of time and money. The real quest is what does she want to do with life, and how does she want to support herself.
Helo outside in the cold he will burn more calories, coat is working, snow not melting. Hope first week at full bore went well.
NHBX 16 inch lot of snow, hope snow control went well.
Drew I do remember the love, spending time with family the reason for trips. Sorry to hear about loss of stepson.
Monday 3:40 AM CST post:
Ron don't robins migrate south? Glad hole for step drilled during tire swap. And yes I did make it home safe on Monday.
Phil 12 inch big snow to me. Hope you enjoyed the seat time, and snow control went well. Nice pic
Helo I don't want to summon a Viking demon for some reason.
Drew hope you made to the Bahamas for some nice weather.
More catch up tomorrow.
prayer for all, especially Jay/Peg, Kyle /Daughter, /mom's breathing, /son's migraines, Bird /aging issues, Ron /heart, Billy /mom hypertension & congestive heart failure, David(moss) /remodel, /divorce, Buppies /cancer, parathyroid,blood sugar /wife healing, Thomas /gout, Phil /reflux, Frits /veteran son with mental issues, /granddaughter with Evans Syndrome, Ken /dad possible dementia, /chronic fatigue, Diet not working, Steppenwolfe /son-auto immune disorder, Mark /sister liver transplant and recovery, Grev /wife's eye, Ted /knee recovery, /retirement & disability red tape, /family issues, Lou /eye issues, /heart issues, /wife hip replacement, Doug and wife/health issues, / hand nerve and surgery, /fall and recovery, / wife headaches and heart eval, / David(sadamo)/Sophie's hip or leg pain, Scaredy/shoulder dislocation, /marriage dissolving, / friend stop drinking, Dennis /retirement, /neighbor issues, /land development, /favorable winds not in the forecast there, Drew /back operation issues, /friend's wife cancer diagnosis and recovery, Scotty /back pain, Helogabals /wife's friend situation, Fatjay /father broken hip, Israel, Ukraine war, and Country.prayer for all, especially Jay/Peg, Kyle /Daughter, /mom's breathing, /son's migraines, Bird /aging issues, Ron /heart, Billy /mom hypertension & congestive heart failure, David(moss) /remodel, /divorce, Buppies /cancer, parathyroid,blood sugar /wife healing, Thomas /gout, Phil /reflux, Frits /veteran son with mental issues, /granddaughter with Evans Syndrome, Ken /dad possible dementia, /chronic fatigue, Diet not working, Steppenwolfe /son-auto immune disorder, Mark /sister liver transplant and recovery, Grev /wife's eye, Ted /knee recovery, /retirement & disability red tape, /family issues, Lou /eye issues, /heart issues, /wife hip replacement, Doug and wife/health issues, / hand nerve and surgery, /fall and recovery, / wife headaches and heart eval, / David(sadamo)/Sophie's hip or leg pain, Scaredy/shoulder dislocation, /marriage dissolving, / friend stop drinking, Dennis /retirement, /neighbor issues, /land development, /favorable winds not in the forecast there, Drew /back operation issues, /friend's wife cancer diagnosis and recovery, Scotty /back pain, Helogabals /wife's friend situation, Fatjay /father broken hip, Israel, Ukraine war, and Country.
Walnut syrup has a more insense flavor than maple, so you can use less of it.
I am so glad I stumbled upon that little factoid about DIY syrup two years ago!!!
   / Good morning!!!! #183,716  
25 outside this AM. Heading to mid 40's. Rain expected this evening.

Yesterday the wife and I decided on a break and headed out for a nature hike near the Appalachian trail by Front Royal. It was good getting away from.. stuff.
View attachment 846217

The dog enjoyed it too.

View attachment 846219

Hope all have a good day and a better weekend.
Great pictures. Did dog take first picture? 😵‍💫🙃🤠
   / Good morning!!!! #183,717  
18F here in Beautiful Northern Nevada, going to 40F today.

I successfully escaped from Formerly-Great CA yesterday and on returning found 6-8 inches of light powdery snow. Will be blowing a lot of it today as the propane truck is scheduled for a delivery.

Good news in CA was that I do not have a pair of foxes under the old farmhouse.

Good morning all!


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   / Good morning!!!! #183,718  
Not set of temperature feel awful chest very tight cough cough yuk. It is what it is

Prayers for all our Country
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