Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #186,071  
Since we are discussing neighbor conflicts…

several miles up the road from us, there is a neighbor dispute that is on Facebook and it is getting really “interesting”. . .

trail cameras everywhere, lawsuits, threats of violence, easememt/ROW issues/obstruction.

no lie, at some point this will probably result in bloodshed. . .
   / Good morning!!!! #186,072  
Since we are discussing neighbor conflicts…

several miles up the road from us, there is a neighbor dispute that is on Facebook and it is getting really “interesting”. . .

trail cameras everywhere, lawsuits, threats of violence, easememt/ROW issues/obstruction.

no lie, at some point this will probably result in bloodshed. . .

I watch "Neighbor Wars" on cable... where they review and dissect these type of usually violent disputes. Fortunately I don't have any direct experience.
   / Good morning!!!! #186,073  
after doing my own place decided to be a good neighbor and did the neighboring lane.
they can never agree on who pays for it so it doesn't get done.
it already had big ruts in it when last nights four inches came down.
thankfully snowblower ate through it all, more than occasionally throwing a pebble a good ways
I'm very careful where I aim it

cleared off the car, dug my walkways back, I'm tuckered out by 9:30
I guess it will be a nap day.
my dinner tonight cancelled out so I guess it's me and the zinnias


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   / Good morning!!!! #186,074  
Good morning! 37˚F heading to only 47˚ with a brisk North wind and cloudy skies. Got a couple of short sleeve shirts at Duluth yesterday.
No use getting their Warm clothes that can only be used a few days a year. (like today). Outside work is canceled today because of the wind.
My wife signed up for the neighborhood ukulele class/band this afternoon, should be interesting. She wants to go to the class before purchasing a ukulele, to see if she likes it, smart move. She is left handed so that could make a difference since they make left and right handed ukuleles.
   / Good morning!!!! #186,075  
Good Morning Guys,
Ct, 26 to start going to 34 and then temp falling off the Cliff tonite ! 😒

There seems to be a trend, return from vacation and get sick.

Dennis, that is an astute observation on your part ! Where did we go wrong ? 😉

2 1/2” so far, still snowing ! It was supposed to stop an hour ago ! 😂

Took Kathleen to the hair dresser at 9 because she doesn’t like driving in the snow , should pick her back up by 10:30 !
Not much planned for today, I pushed off the snow from the front of the garage! Not sure if our younger son will plow the rest.

Buppies, glad you finally got some sleep !
BEF, feel better soon !

Hope all have a blessed and safe day ! 🙏
   / Good morning!!!! #186,076  
Good morning! Low of 27°, going up to only 41°, freezing fog this morning, then sunny. Today's temp is the result of the cold front yesterday. Temps back up tomorrow into the 50's, 60's by Tuesday.

Roswell NM is going to have a 43° change in high temps from yesterday to today, then a 40° change back up by tomorrow...... that can wreak havoc on some things....

Today is going to be a leisurely pace..... some shop time to work on the wifey's display case, then off to retrieve a few pizzas for the GS's 9th birthday. We will cheat today -- pizza and ice cream cake! The son and 2 other GS 's will partake also. Wifey will be in a sea of testosterone.......

Need to bring some more pellets up on the porch. Probably should clean out the stove too.

Dennis, hope you get over the crud soon, especially now that you have an antibiotic on board...... chicken soup and rest.... rinse and repeat....

Scott, hoping you and the wifey also get past the crud....take it easy, get better soon!

LFN, I like your plan! Way too cold to go out and play......

Everyone be safe if you have to deal with snow / ice. Have a great day!
   / Good morning!!!! #186,077  
Morning all, 35 going to 38 and light snow. 3 or 4" snow last night.
Very windy so some areas will need to be cleaned of drifts when I get going.

Dog is very happy and has buried herself under some of the drifts :)

Got a haircut, went out to dinner, was more careful what I ordered and did better, still with lots of pills, but at least not a disaster.
Got more tests back, need to up vitamins, a lot, but nothing earth shattering.

Ok, off to snow duty and some seat time.

Be well,

   / Good morning!!!! #186,078  
hi ho hi ho it's off to shovel I go

oh to find a couple teenagers outside looking for cash, with shovels
that's not going to happen.
isn't there an app for this?
Yes there is:
   / Good morning!!!! #186,079  
Ate 1 piece of toast with jam earlier. Didn’t feel like eating that, stomach was upset. Then slept for a few hours. Woke up coughing and getting rid of crud, starting to get hungry. Wife said homemade soup for supper, but she bought cans of chicken soup for lunch.