Good (Thursday) morning. Overnight Low of 6.5C and it's presently 16.9C, fairly clear with the occasional gust of wind, otherwise calm at the moment.
Yesterday was very productive. The electrician called @ 0930; the urgent job was done. Met him 10 minutes later @ the Church. Short story is that the Rectory's new stove was installed AND he 'fixed' the old stove's door sealing problem as the 'seal' itself wasn't cracked or damaged!
Over years of use, the bottom hinges of the oven door can get out of alignment. He used the shafts of two of his screwdrivers (one on each side) to sit on the door side of the hinge and then closed the door on them a few times until the door firmly sealed again. WOW. He said that this 'old' stove/oven was still worth A$200-A$300.
The bloke then said that he would 'do' the other security (motion detecting) light job right then & there seeing as I was there to assist. Everything was completed by 1245.
After thanking him, I then proceeded into town to do my grocery shopping.
Today; all I have is a Doctor's appointment (follow-up from the blood test a week & a half ago) this arvo @ 1430.
That's about it, take care all.