Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #200,131  
Kyle, three letters come to mind...FAA they get enough complaints maybe they will get off their hienies and do something about it.

I am legal again. Tried to get on the MTO website and couldn't so I phoned them and they emailed me the reinstatement letter, there is also one in the mail, but G-d knows when it will get here as the PO is on strike. I have until the end of January 2025 to write and eye test for the A and also show up with a semi to get my A back or do nothing and run around with a G. I'll stay with the G.

We got a snow squall watch in effect 10-15cm (4-6") tonight, tomorrow an additional 4-6" and then tomorrow night another 4". Last year when they said 10-15 cm we got 10-15". Time will tell.
   / Good morning!!!! #200,132  
Good evening all. 31ºF for the start, clear sky, light breeze. Light wind, scattered clouds filling to broken later in day, and high temp was 58ºF. Made coffee to start day, Grief Share, pull carb off mower, cleaned gas tank, Cleaned needle valve, and reassembled. Mower did well one pass around back yard. Trip to town for lunch, gas ($2.47/Gal) and groceries. Bike ride after groceries put away. Short nap and dinner.
Resuming Dec 2 1:23 AM CST Post 200,051:
Buppies glad you and wife enjoyed the drive. Hope you get some sleep. prayers sent.
Ron glad tree up. Glad you got some rest. Hope projects went well. Neat design.
Drew hope trip went well and RV resting at winter spot. Hope light fix easy.
Billy glad you got decorations up, and seat time on top of it.
DarkBlack that's cold.
Frits hope cardio check ups were good. Hope grocery pick up went well, and nice you have another light.
Scott(vt) hope you got snowman up. Have fun at work. Sorry about leak.
Mike hope you got the frame in the milk house and got tile placed. Hope you get the firewood cut soon. Glad storm abating.
Masseyrider sorry you lost your warmer weather.Hope you can handle the cold.
Don glad Christmas decorations and lights are up. Mine are not yet. Sorry about the blowup ban, cool Snowman.
Bill hope you found the rabbit hole.
FriendwithTractor Hope you enjoy the quiet. Good luck finishing work project. Hope the wood cutting goes well.
Paul it is amazing how much stuff gets moved only to get disposed after the move. Hope stuffing turned out good. Nice work on the S hook. Hope you get the wood stock piled in garage.
Thomas sorry you needed to make up for lost time. Hope you got wood moved.
Ken hope son likes new job. Good luck with fixing ornaments and lights. Nice pics.
David glad you found new light fixtures. Sometime people not ready for college. Hope mowing went well.
Drew glad snowman big hit in neighborhood. Sorry about bee, hope you find it.
Ken sorry someone drove into restaurant. Hope no one hurt.
Drew glad workbench showed up. Hope you get garage warmed up.
RNG wow 2 hours to get clothes clean :( Glad buddy happy withyour old washer. Nice hick and sunset pics. Sorry about lauch, hope Elon will pick better hours.
PJ cold up there! Hope you can enjoy the snow. Otters are fun to watch.
Frits glad bleeding went well. Never used a power bleeder.
Dennis glad water tote drained. Hope cameras work for you.
Drew hope all the suggestions help you find the beeper. Sorry spinning feature died already. Sorry about the missing hex key set.
Dennis glad your tree is up, hope wife likes the surprise.
Scott(vt) hope your wife liked the surprise.
Randy(wag) glad you got the package, and tree branch cut up. Sorry about the humidity.
Drew hope shopping went well. Good luck with not piling up on new bench. Good luck with beep.
Tuesday Dec 3 posts:
Ron hope bracket works. Hope laundry went well, I need to do laundry. Nice squirrel.
Drew yes squirrel does look well fed. I doubt tail grows back.
SigArms little early for the white stuff isn't it?
Thomas hope you had a good day.
Billy sorry about the cold. Nice you let the wife pick the movie. Hope Della liked the hike and swim.
More catch up later.
prayer for all, especially Jay/Peg, Kyle /Daughter, /mom's breathing, /son's migraines, Bird /aging issues,Mike /BIL in FL, Ron /heart, David(moss) /remodel, /divorce, Buppies /cancer,parathyroid,blood sugar /wife, Thomas /gout, Phil /reflux, Frits /veteran son with mental issues, /granddaughter with Evans Syndrome, Ken /dad possible dementia, /chronic fatigue, Diet not working, Steppenwolfe /son-auto immune disorder, Grev /wife's eye, Ted /knee recovery, /retirement & disability red tape, /family issues, /wife back issues and cancer, Lou /eye issues, /heart issues, /wife hip replacement, Doug and wife/health issues, / hand nerve and surgery, /fall and recovery, / wife headaches and heart eval, / David(sadamo)/Sophie's hip or leg pain, /back issue, Scaredy/shoulder dislocation, /marriage dissolving, / friend stop drinking, Dennis /retirement, /neighbor issues, /brother's lymphoma, /dad surgery recovery, Drew /back operation issues, /friend's wife cancer diagnosis and recovery, Scotty /back pain, Helogabals /wife's friend situation, Fatjay /father broken hip, Israel, Ukraine war, hurricane victims, and Country.
   / Good morning!!!! #200,133  
Morning all!
24 going to 36 with inches of snow coming.
Up at 2 am. with sore muscles everywhere. I guess crawling around in the attic running new wires for a camera system will do that to you!
System is up and running now.
On a positive note I sold enough projects to pay the rent and make a few dollars extra last month! Wasn't much but is still better than zero! Picked up an order for 24 little trees someone wants to mount on their model train setup. Working on some display stands for electrical insulators for a customer.

Also made a few Christmas items for display in the house.


Two bigger projects done also.

Will be taking it easy today. Might play in the shop some might not.
Need to put shovels out in there spots for snow cleanup. Tractor is plugged in and ready. Going to lay down on the couch and see if I can get back to sleep for a bit.
Hope everyone stays safe and healthy!
   / Good morning!!!! #200,134  
Coffee is brewing. 23° with cloudy skies this morning. Heading to 34° with snow and wind as temperatures drop in evening. Laundry is done. Just need to fold it and put in proper drawers. No plans for today yet.
More snow for Bluejay to dig seed out of today.

Everyone stay safe and well.

Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #200,135  
Morning Phil, I’m up early also, after staying up late.
17°. Brrrrrrrrrr
Upstairs geo not keeping up, but at this outdoor temp it should be calling for aux heat which isn’t coming on. I might need to change a setting in thermostat.
Did more office cleanup yesterday, mostly involved taking stuff not used to basement. But also shredded and trashed a bunch of stuff.
   / Good morning!!!! #200,136  
Good morning, the low is 25 and going to a high of 32°F. Wind SE 11 mph. Snow!

Our snow squall warning is upgraded to a watch. It is snowing quite heavy now. Tractor block heater is turned on.
I'll go out about 7 or so and get started. I've got the quack appointment at 11:15, I told my ride that I would have this driveway plowed for him. So I will plow this place and depending on how that goes, plow everybody else, then go to the quack appointment, then do it all over again.

That is my day planned out.

Have a safe day all
   / Good morning!!!! #200,137  
18 trying for 45, warmest of the week. I even saw a snow icon for tomorrow on the NWS site...but only 20%.

Phil, sure like the art you're producing. Thanks for posting the pix.

Kyle, sorry about those helo flights. A long time ago, we had fighter jets so low they rattled the windows and made my oldest son run for the house crying (back when he was 3 years old playing in the sandbox)...they came in so fast and silently...haven't seen them do that in decades, though.

Took Della for a hike back in the woods yesterday...the creek was ice covered, but thin...when she ran into it, she jumped like something was grabbing her experience.

Then took my wife to lunch at Tex-Mex and to Costco, etc. Looking at the high price of new razor blades was a shock, since I have been working off a big supply, probably bought a couple of years ago. Anybody use an electric razor? I never have. I know some of you don't even shave. Later, just happened to pass by an electric razor 30% off and decided to try it. If I like it, the break even is pretty fast. I'm sure there are some best practices to use it, and I'll read the info, but have a few blades left anyway.

Here's a joke I read yesterday...Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.
   / Good morning!!!! #200,138  
Good morning! A break from our 30s morning - 54˚F heading to only 60˚. There is a good chance of rain this morning as winds change from the N.

My wife reported that my new house "to do list" is getting shorter and about 50% is complete. I think she is adding to it. The fire pit is covered with a tarp so the line will not get water in it again during the rains this morning. The pit does have a drain hole in the middle but it just goes below the tile base to ground about 8".

An unrestricted neighborhood to our West does not have the Christmas blow-up restriction and every time I drive through during the day most of the Christmas decorations are deflated and on the ground. Drew do you keep your snowman inflated 24-7?
   / Good morning!!!! #200,139  
Good one wngsprd. I use razor sometime electric just depends on my mood. High of 34 yesterday low so far 17 house at 68.5.

Used to get buzzed at the lake never here.

Prayers for all our Country

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