Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #2,761  
41F this morning with high of 54F. Should miss the bad weather the east coast is getting but winds here are to be around 45mph.:(
   / Good morning!!!! #2,765  
Hi Guys...36 degrees here right now and the sun is coming up, they are saying high fifties later this pm. Yesterday pm it was only 45 degrees and the wind was blowing 25+ mph the whole time, I went out and mowed for two hours and although I was bundled up the wind chill was still very uncomfortable. Today I have to mow the smallest yard (southside) and half the time required will be with a pusher because of all the trees the Deere will not fit under. I just fired off a nasty email to the local newspaper editor and publisher, they sent subscribers a letter that said they are raising the monthly price of the paper by THIRTY ONE PERCENT. And they call it a "Great Bargain"
   / Good morning!!!! #2,766  
Coffee is being brewed. 38 degrees this morning. Heading to a high of 52 with sun today. Making final leg of our trip home today. Going to be a long day.
Good Morning All.
Have a safe trip home, maybe we will have some snow flurries tomorrow mornning to welcome you back to MI.:D

Very true that.

I can completely understand how some people could become suicidal, as I suffer from depression myself and although I've never been suicidal (and God Willing never will be) if I'd had a few extra kicks while I was down it could have escalated into that.
A feeling of calm when decission is made and these people actually seem like their old self and happy just before the act as they have found the answer to their deep troubles and rarely have second thoughts or hesitation but instead a clear thinking of how to carry it out.

Morning all!

Another dreich (pronounced dr-ee-ch, with the ch being pronounced like the ch in Loch, meaning dull and miserable) day here, but it shows signs of improving.

Even if the sun does come out though I don't think I'll be cutting the lawn today as it is still wet and although my mower's deck is polypropylene the grass wouldn't cut too well while sodden.

The Scotish blood of me that gets goose bumps with bagpipes loves the language lesson. :thumbsup: A sodden grass from such a dreich day.:) Maternal Grandfather imigrated. Boy he good drink.

Already 49 at 10am, signed for my mail summonce:( and can now head out back.
   / Good morning!!!! #2,767  
Well I decided to go ahead and mow anyway, and the grass looks like a golf course now, even though it is only a rotary mower!
   / Good morning!!!! #2,768  
Well I decided to go ahead and mow anyway, and the grass looks like a golf course now, even though it is only a rotary mower!

The Royal Aberdeen!!??
   / Good morning!!!! #2,770  
Rain this morning, was supposed to be a nice day today but I guess the giveaway was when it started showering last night. Still cool for a day time high, around 45F. At least it is a bit warmer in the mornings now, hope we have seen the last of a frosty morning. :cool: