Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #4,211  
Second cup of coffee is almost gone. 62 degrees this morning with some clouds. Heading to 90 with chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. Weatherman has been promising thunderstorms for last week. But have not seen even a dark sky yet. Hope we do not get storms that hit south of us last few days. Planning on completing my car project today.
Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!!
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66 now, but going to 93 today. Yuck. Worked for about 2 hours yesterday, cleaning out the chicken / goat barn. Need to work on the my wife's shop again today. Gonna be a hot one. Have a good one guys!!!
   / Good morning!!!! #4,213  
Good morning! Sunny and 63* here with a high of 90 - again. We had a TS roll thru last night and got about 15 minutes of much needed rain. Hope we get a few more showers this week.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,214  
65 and humid but cloudy and not nearly as bad as this time yesterday when it was 86 already! it was 80 hear at 5 AM then the storms that started in the Indiana area same as Friday night, hit but much milder. Got more needed rain and a lot less wind and lightening than Friday night. My grass is making progress, people tell me it takes 2-3 years to get a yard from scratch, my patience will be tested!
   / Good morning!!!! #4,215  
Good morning. Headed for the 90's again today. Thankfully we have our electricity restored from the storm. Unfortunately there are thousands not so lucky. Gas stations mostly out of fuel. My thoughts and prayers are with those that are in need.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,216  
good morning,keep cool today its going to hit 90 today with a chance of rain in the afternoon.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,217  
Going to the mid 90s again today... But am using the chainsaw to chop up some of the storm mess now. Will mount the old tractor later to push stuff out of the road more. Have to cut sections out of some giant tulip poplars to let tractor through as well.... But will wait for cooler weather to cut into firewood.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,218  
2012-07-02, 0905

72 here now, 81% humidity. Quite pleasant with a little breeze, actually.
The high today should be 90...and that's pretty much it for the week.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,219  
55F for a high today. It's raining :yuck: :raindrop: but should go to showers overnight. Got the big chicken coop cleaned out yesterday. This morning we take in the meat birds and pick them up this afternoon. Nice thing is they are all sold. Was going to move and stack firewood today but will find something else to do that out :umbrella-guy: of the rain.
   / Good morning!!!! #4,220  
55F for a high today. It's raining :yuck: :raindrop: but should go to showers overnight. Got the big chicken coop cleaned out yesterday. This morning we take in the meat birds and pick them up this afternoon. Nice thing is they are all sold. Was going to move and stack firewood today but will find something else to do that out :umbrella-guy: of the rain.

You don't have a big need for shorts and Tee shirts there do you? :D