Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #66,041  
0929171837a.jpgthis is the neighbors cat "tripod", that is in our garage again tonight. Missing a back leg. Sweet kitty, pretty much lives at our house, we dont mind.
   / Good morning!!!! #66,042  
Cat pics. Crank the gray tried to sneak in and got caught between storm door and door.

"Crank the gray" is an intriguing name for a cat. Is that how to resuscitate a frozen *****, grab tail and keep turning ... ? :)
   / Good morning!!!! #66,043  
Good morning all. Rain on top of thin layer of ice means I won't be wondering far onto the concrete yard this morning, at least not without a wheelbarrow for support.

A couple of our fields still have undulations from ridge and furrow ploughing that started in the middle ages. We know that stopped a few hundred years ago when this area was turned into a deer park. The weather has now revealed yet another field with this historical pattern, which my wife spotted while taking Max for a walk. Thanks to the melting snow you can see the lines in this pic, yet we never mow north to south. The lines end abruptly at a drop off where we think clay was once extracted for brick making.

Ridge and furrow.jpg
   / Good morning!!!! #66,044  
Good morning all, 25 this morning going to 46 and mostly sunny. Just piddled on a few things yesterday, likely look for a chance to take a nap today. Hope I can. Wife has been wanting a cat so the dog will have a friend, I don't want the litter box.

Don, I may have nightmares during my nap today. Reminded me of a hippo I saw one time with sharper teeth. :laughing:

Praying for you guys, have a great day. Ed
   / Good morning!!!! #66,045  
Ed you are up way too early

Milder weather takes hold starting today thru the end of the week with 60s prevalent by Tuesday. We are under control of a SE Ridge but changes are coming to Texas and the western facing Appalachian Mountains afraid ice storm brewing things could become quite interesting about Christmas Eve. Hope I'm wrong

Almost finished large project we are working on worked yesterday quite cold never got above 34 and the wind blew and blew. Should be able to start paving Monday mid morning

As always wait to last minute for Christmas shopping and still no idea what I'm going to do or get for my wife. She is the best part of my life keeps me grounded as I am a big dreamer and works as hard at making our little business grow as I do

Lest not everyone forget what the true meaning of Christmas is and try to expand that to an every day occurrence. Prayers for all those that need them especially Toppop and Riptides and Buckeyefarmer
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   / Good morning!!!! #66,046  
Good morning all. Weather forecasts for Christmas are all for wet weather here, that means snow up North, looks like a white Christmas for some.

Burn pile ran all night, looked out several times to see flames where they were supposed to be, all buildings, bushes and woods seem normal this morning, in the dark. :rolleyes: Lot of wood chips and a big rain on them so they will burn slowly for several days. At least the fire stays where it is supposed to. I've got enough ash in that pit I really could bucket some out for the garden, though worry about nails and other things best left in there. I suppose I could dump the ash on a tarp and then run a magnet over it but that sounds like pretty dirty work.

Long talk with farmer neighbor yesterday. He seems to have run off his tenant farmer so now I have a lot of farm fields available.
Might take the Massey with the disc harrow out in the next few days to clean up some weeds. Any excuse to get out in the sun.

Cleaning ladies liked their baskets and were there when my neighbor came over and started banging on the back door. Some had never seen him, he's pretty infamous around here and not in a good way. There's some wild man out there yelling I believe was how he was announced. Long white unkempt beard, probably fleas in it. Later I took him some cat food and a cat toy for those cats left, plus a copy of the newspaper article showing his 34 cats being taken in. The cat toy was a collapsible three way tunnel cats can crawl though and play. Figured that would entertain him.

I special ordered an LL bean canvas bag with a friend's initials on it for Christmas, and they sent it to my old address in PA. The guy there said he would ship it out last Monday, but still nothing. It's supposed to be given Monday night so not sure it's going to make it in time.
I just redelivered a Christmas coffee cake I keep getting each year for the prior owner's SIL, who thankfully lives a mile away. Tis the season for packages to go astray.
   / Good morning!!!! #66,047  
Ed you are up way too early

Yep but that is how life is right now. Wife stays up till about 12:00 and I get up about 4:30. That way the boy is taken care of if one of us gets up once every night. We both get a nap every now and then. Ed
   / Good morning!!!! #66,048  
Sitting at 15f with a high of 28f today. Partly cloudy skies. Might fire up the tractor and try to clean up some of the drifts in the driveway. Darn wind never stops here. Guess that's why we have a windmill not far from my house.
   / Good morning!!!! #66,049  
Need to pour second cup of coffee. 27° with light snow this morning. Heading to 30° with off and on light snow all day. Got snowblower on front mover. Cleaned up area's that snow plow cannot get at. Today is a rest day.
RNG, I had to spend a week on help desk every 2 months. First question was "did you turn it on". :ashamed:
Cats, wife is allergic to them. So we have none.
Eric, we have rows around the outer edges of out property. Previous owners must have always plowed to outside edge of property. Ploughing=plowing. :D
Buckeye, hope you are getting better.
Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #66,050  
19 while we were out playing glow in the dark Frisbee, which Coco destroyed by bending it half like a taco...won't buy any more of that brand.

Should get to 48.

Eric, interesting history of your property. We have some perimeter ridges in a couple of fields that are result of old fence line where cattle were kept, and where plowing/discing couldn't reach.

No cats here, except an occasional passing stray...our son took his Maine coon cat to New York...and we get occasional bobcats.