Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #184,581  
Good Afternoon Guys,
Sorry late check in, working today !
Ct, 30 to start going to 40 ! After work a few hours of work and the hop on jet to southern Florida!

Kids did have fun last night ! Nana is having withdrawals already and we haven’t left yet ! 😂

Hope all have a blessed and safe day ! Will probably check in late tmrw provided we have WiFi at our condo rental !

Have a good evening!


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   / Good morning!!!! #184,583  
So I turned around and forty thousand headmen hit the dirt
Firing twenty shotguns each and man, it really hurt
But luckily for me they had to stop and then reload
And by the time they'd done that I was heading down the road


I had forgotten how heady it was but a bunch of
really good tunes that you couldn't avoid tapping along to, or
assuming you knew how, playing the air guitar.

next Steve Winwood

had a nice lunch with my brother in Lahaska and now just some quality time with tunes.
Just waiting on that snow to melt...
   / Good morning!!!! #184,584  
So I turned around and forty thousand headmen hit the dirt
Firing twenty shotguns each and man, it really hurt
But luckily for me they had to stop and then reload
And by the time they'd done that I was heading down the road


I had forgotten how heady it was but a bunch of
really good tunes that you couldn't avoid tapping along to, or
assuming you knew how, playing the air guitar.

next Steve Winwood

had a nice lunch with my brother in Lahaska and now just some quality time with tunes.
Just waiting on that snow to melt...
That whole album was great. I knew the song on the first line!
Other greats are Can't find my way home and Back in the high life again
   / Good morning!!!! #184,586  
Ry Cooder’s “Paradise and Lunch” might have been the first digitally recorded album, and isn’t bad. But it was recorded at a high sample rate and mastered to vinyl.

CD’s have had the same sample rate (44.1k) and bit depth (16 bit) since they were introduced.
My multi track recorder is 96k at 24 bit, but if I create a CD from a recording, it gets down sampled to 44.1/16.
In my opinion trying to get “audiophile guality” from a CD, or worse yet, a streamed mp3 is a fool’s errand.
You can get good, even great sound, depending on the source material, but with the typical source, the differences in conversion hardware is pretty much moot.
Having said that I have a large library of vinyl that rarely gets played, because streaming to the Bluetooth receiver in my tractor is hands down more convenient.
But Drew, you are welcome to stop by and hear Cream on vinyl that totally bypasses and eliminates the errors introduced by digital conversion.
   / Good morning!!!! #184,587  
Good Afternoon,
40° and grey out there, been that way all day.

Today was pretty much consumed by the checkride I didn’t do last week due to the weather. It’s an hour drive to Philly, then I’ve got to fly to Allentown to meet with the FAA.
First the maintenance inspectors look at the plane and its records to make sure it’s compliant. Then I get the oral exam on systems and regulations. Then we get to fly. This repeats every six months, but only once a year in the turboprop, the jet gets done in a simulator.
I can’t help but wonder how it would go over if lawyers had to take the bar exam every six months, or any other profession.

I had to postpone my breakfast with the professor until tomorrow so I could get it done.

But I feel like a free man for the next 6 months.
   / Good morning!!!! #184,589  
It got up to 49° today, now 41°.
Exceeded my expected accomplishments for the day, which was 0. Wife handed me some stuff to clean in the ultrasonic cleaner. Other than that paid some bills, did a bunch of record keeping stuff, like trying to track down the location of all my SD cards.
Tiger wanted to keep messing with the christmas tree. Wish it was down.