Hats and hearing protection

   / Hats and hearing protection #1  


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2011
Western Maine
2011, JD 2520
Not sure where to post this, but after visiting the dermatologist last year I have switched to wide brimmed hats. No more baseball type.
My biggest issue is wearing hearing protection. I don't want to wear any "in the ear" protection, but the band for the muff ear protection type interferes with the wide brimmed hat even with the band situated to the back of my head.
So what's everybody that wears the wide brimmed hats doing?
   / Hats and hearing protection #2  
I had to look long and hard for a local company that carried one. But I found one made by Peltor I believe and the steel headband goes behind your neck. Very comfortable, high quality and very high rating for noise.

But there is always one fly in the oinment! I have taken to REALLY liking my Peltor Work Tunes, radio hearing protection and now I am back with the same problem.

   / Hats and hearing protection #3  
I use an old floppy wide-brim hat with a chin strap. It roughly fits over the hearing protection. It's good in inclement weather too. I have a Bluetooth in my ear under the muff so I can hear if my wife calls. I have to shut the tractor down and remove the muffs, but it does work.
   / Hats and hearing protection #4  
We use the peltor behind the head type at work, Have to wear a hard hat...
Since I've lost most of my hearing in my right ear, I also use ear plugs underneath.


It does take a little getting used to the wire hitting your shirt collar...

I also have an 'Avaition' style H/S I found at a thrift shop, super plush, really quiet, and you can plug into a radio or stereo .
The boom mike ?
Haven't found a use for that yet, looks cool, tho...:D
   / Hats and hearing protection #5  
Put a canopy on your tractor and forget the hat. No charge for that Advice. :thumbsup:
   / Hats and hearing protection #7  
Put a canopy on your tractor and forget the hat. No charge for that Advice. :thumbsup:

Keep most of the rain off also. We have canopy on open station Kubota and make a world of difference. TS, you saved him a lot of money though. You could have suggested getting tractor with cab, A/C, heat, stereo, etc. :).

He could tell wife that cab recommended by Dr.? Hmmmmm?
   / Hats and hearing protection #8  
I use an old floppy wide-brim hat with a chin strap. It roughly fits over the hearing protection.

That's what I wear when using my loud z-turn mower. Works great. I have a canopy on my tractor and don't need ear protection when driving it.

   / Hats and hearing protection #9  
Richard Pettys crew cut out the sides of his cowboy hat so earmuffs would fit. That was back in the day after he stopped driving and started working on the top of the pit box
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   / Hats and hearing protection #10  
Anybody cuts up MY hat is gonna have a fight on their hands!

But itsa good idea...

I always wear a ball cap type hat... and working on a canopy for the tractor... ear plugs always handy and worn as needed along with safety glasses. Spare ear plugs and glasses on the dash of the truck, and in the shop, never an excuse to not wear them. Started noticing some hearing loss at about 25 yr old, been extra careful ever since. Too little too late. Too meny hours on the tractor as a kid, using grinders, and shooting guns, all unprotected. Dad tryed to warn me...