Have you lived?

   / Have you lived? #131  

What is classic to us, is an antique to the younger people. What is classic to them is still kinda new to us.

Kinda funny how that works, isn't it. /w3tcompact/icons/shocked.gif

A couple of years back, I had a conversation with a guy who is about 30 now and he was amazed at the fact that companies allowed people to smoke at their desks and that they supplied ash trays!! It's all relative to your time and place.

   / Have you lived? #132  
In '82 (20 years ago!!) I was walking through the library at the community college I was attending and saw a kid watching news films of Vietnam. I asked him why and he said it was for his history class ... HISTORY MY A__!! was my reply - DO I LOOK LIKE HISTORY?? .....well I do now./w3tcompact/icons/frown.gif
   / Have you lived? #133  
I hear you loud and clear.
Like when a young teen comes up and ask your view on what it was like during the missle crises after they had read the book./w3tcompact/icons/crazy.gif
Computers..they kids say its so easy to use anybody can...my reply we didn't have computers back than when we were kids,and I get a /w3tcompact/icons/shocked.giflook.
Yep another day closer to retirement.

Thomas..NH /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif
   / Have you lived? #134  
Mother: When I was a little girl, we didn't have a television>
Daughter: What did you hook your VCR to?

Charlie Iliff
   / Have you lived? #135  
Now thats cute./w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif

Thomas..NH /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif
   / Have you lived?
  • Thread Starter
I'll never forget the day my oldest daughter came home from school and asked me if her teacher was telling the truth about men having been to the moon. Got ten percent of my gray hair that day. /w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif

Keep the greasy side down.
   / Have you lived? #137  
Better illustration of Publik Educatind Dummys, I have a "University of South VietNam" sticker in the rear window of my Blazer. I think of it as a polite way of telling the fine folks like the Clinton group, to kiss my a$$. A few months ago, at the gas pumps, some lardo college boy strolls up to me and asks where the campus is. He didn't even know there had been a war in the Nam.
   / Have you lived? #138  
Got a funny story about my wife takes place just after we got married. Now keep in mind that my wife is as smart as they come but could care less about history.

Back in 1985 I was attending Rochester Institute of Technology and was enrolled in a world history class. One of the things I had to do was get to the campus some time and view a movie. It was about WWI if I remember correctly. Being that school was a good bit away I asked her if she would like to go with me and maybe we could grab a bite while up in the city. Well, about 3/4 of the way through this movie she leans over and asks me "now when is it exactly that Napoleon gets involved in this?". I almost fell off my chair laughing!/w3tcompact/icons/shocked.gif To this day I will not let her forget her blunder.....in a good humored way of course.


   / Have you lived? #139  
Hey, what were you doin at my playground? RIT is actually called South Henrietta Institute of Technology by us local folks since they moved the campus in the 60s.
Sure hope you didn't take her over to Jays diner for that lunch.
   / Have you lived? #140  
Rochester is home for us. Try to get back there once a year anyway. I still have a brother who lives in Victor where we have our reunion every summer. He ended up getting a couple of masters degrees from RIT. Another just left Penfield for the Adirondecks. I only attended the red brick eyesore for 2 semesters before we moved to Michigan. Don't know if you read my post on the explosion I was in but that took place in Lakeville at Precision cycles on the North end of Conesus (sp?) lake. I think there is now a beer distributer there./w3tcompact/icons/frown.gif

