Hay Farmers getting out of farming

   / Hay Farmers getting out of farming #151  
Most are 3-5,000 acres. One family has over 10K but the husband & wife run 4k or so by themselves, their boy has the bigger 1/2 and 3 chicken houses (pullet houses). His kids help out but he has one worker that helps primarily with chicken houses which have 12,800-13K chickens per house.
and their all college grads?
   / Hay Farmers getting out of farming #153  
and their all college grads?
As I stated earlier "Of the ones I am familiar with (~9 or 10), the parents have a tradeschool or junior college degree, kids have bs or ms grandkids still in grammer school." I'm not sure about the one hired hand.
   / Hay Farmers getting out of farming #154  
You say farmers & country hicks like those are bad words. Most folk around here don't know or care about my background and I could really care less if someone has a degree or not! Hard work is hard work it makes you feel good at the end of the day knowing you have accomplished something tangible.

No I'm not writing my next best seller - haven't got or even tried to get my first one.

I spent more than enough time in the military to retire and now I'm enjoying the good life out here. I've been in big cities (NYC - my MD Alma mater is in N. Manhattan, DC, San Francisco, along with many others here & overseas), don't particularly care for the rat race.

What's your story, why do you come to TractorByNet if you aren't at least somewhat interested in country life?
I am interested in country life and rural folks like yourself. What drew you to Calamine? It is not even incorporated. I suppose you are not too concerned about living by yourself. So, what do you do all day living the good life? Shooting targets on your private shooting range and drinking Busch?
   / Hay Farmers getting out of farming #156  
And they all know how to spell they're? I've met too many stupid college grads.

As I stated earlier "Of the ones I am familiar with (~9 or 10), the parents have a tradeschool or junior college degree, kids have bs or ms grandkids still in grammer school." I'm not sure about the one hired hand.

do your clean up...
   / Hay Farmers getting out of farming #157  
The man I'm buying hay from bales probably 20,000 rolls of hay a year from his pastures and for hire. They have an enormous investment in equipment but it has to be run to make money and if it's a dry year it's a loss. My equipment is getting old and I'm not going to invest over $60,000 in another John Deere baler when I can buy hay. I could never justify the expense of buying more equipment for my own use.
What do you buy hay for, Jesse? You have a horse farm?
   / Hay Farmers getting out of farming #158  
BTW, does it really matter if any are college educated? Some of the most uneducated people I've known in my life have graduated from college. Way to many getting degrees in underwater basket weaving or other degrees that don't produce workers.

Give me someone willing to work (hard), and I'll show you someone I have a lot of respect for.
   / Hay Farmers getting out of farming #159  
BTW, does it really matter if any are college educated? Some of the most uneducated people I've known in my life have graduated from college. Way to many getting degrees in underwater basket weaving or other degrees that don't produce workers.

Give me someone willing to work (hard), and I'll show you someone I have a lot of respect for.

You're the one that took issue with my comment...if you remember.
   / Hay Farmers getting out of farming #160  
Most are 3-5,000 acres. One family has over 10K but the husband & wife run 4k or so by themselves, their boy has the bigger 1/2 and 3 chicken houses (pullet houses). His kids help out but he has one worker that helps primarily with chicken houses which have 12,800-13K chickens per house.
There seem to be a lot of chicken houses in Calamine. Are they farming chickens for eggs?