Here comes the rain...

   / Here comes the rain...
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Trouble with home-made bread is that it doesn't keep more than a couple days. We just don't eat that much of it, so it gets stale/moldy
I used to have a similar complaint when I made it, but it didn't last for different reasons. The first loaf was gone before it got cold... some homemade jam, or good dairy butter and honey made it evaporate. I had to stop making it before I looked like Mama Cass.
   / Here comes the rain... #12  
We've had a nice, peaceful stretch of weather but now the skies are starting to open up again. What is it that makes rain on the roof after a busy Saturday so relaxing?

The baked beans in the oven smell good, in another hour they will be ready.
The baked beans reminds me of my childhood.

Grandma tweeked her mom's recipe for baked beans. They were sweet with maple syrup and brown sugar in them.

What was rough, was when she made them.

She would prep them. Then put them in crocks and slow cook overnight.

The issue was they would start smelling really good about midnight. So sleep was usually rough that night and you woke up absolutely starving the next morning

Breakfast those mornings were Buttermilk pancakes, and a heaping serving of fresh from the oven baked beans.
   / Here comes the rain... #13  
Lots of rain up here! Started about two days ago. Calling for more the next 2-3 days, like they say least it's not snow up here!(UP) Leaves pretty much off the trees already. Wind has been blowing for two days and nights!
   / Here comes the rain... #14  
Forecasted 2" here, got maybe 1/2" It has cooled down from last week. Fall is finally here...
   / Here comes the rain... #15  
We've had a nice, peaceful stretch of weather but now the skies are starting to open up again. What is it that makes rain on the roof after a busy Saturday so relaxing?

The baked beans in the oven smell good, in another hour they will be ready. 😋

Not for me!
   / Here comes the rain... #16  
We have been/are under some sort of intense weather warning here in the PNW. So far - it's just been blue skies - puffy white clouds - sprinkles. At least - here just SW of Spokane.

Could it be - once again, all the major weather has skirted around my location. I'll gladly accept that.
   / Here comes the rain... #18  
In the NEK, snow covered ice and people all over the place...
   / Here comes the rain... #19  
Here we are again. In the middle of a series of storms. It's been snowing since 4 PM last night. I have about a half inch of snow. Not to worry - they predict rain for this weekend and well into next week.
   / Here comes the rain... #20  
Gotta love late Nov/early Dec. Not fall anymore but not winter yet either.
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