Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez !

   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #262  
A couple of things to consider; most states consider an individual if armed when committing a burglary an armed robber or armed home invader, not a burglar.

The US Department of Justice has some great statistics although dated data (1997) on who was or not armed when committing a criminal offense. Warning the DOJ article is very long.

One of the interesting things disclosed in the study is where criminals are getting their weapons.

Most states also use the deadly force criteria of; a person is authorized to use deadly force to prevent serious injury or death to self or others.

Fewer than 1 in 10 offenders serving a
sentence for selling or carrying illegal
drugs and 1 in 30 inmates in prison for a
property crime -- burglary, larceny, fraud,
or destruction of property -- had a firearm
with them while committing their current

8% of drug offenders and 3%
of property offenders armed while
committing their crimes

In 1997, 14% of State inmates who had used
or possessed a firearm during their current
offense bought or traded for it from a retail
store, pawnshop, flea market, or gun show.
Nearly 40% of State inmates carrying a
firearm obtained the weapon from family or
friends. About 3 in 10 received the weapon
from drug dealers, off the street, or through
the black market. Another 1 in 10 obtained
their gun during a robbery, burglary, or other
type of theft.

From 1991 to 1997 the percent of State inmates
with guns who acquired them at a retail outlet
fell from 21% to 14%. At the same time the
percentage reporting that they used firearms
furnished by family or friends increased from
34% to 40%. Between the two surveys the Brady
Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 was
enacted. The act requires background checks
for persons purchasing firearms from federally
licensed firearm dealers. Changes in how inmates
obtained firearms, when the two surveys are
compared, may or may not reflect the requirements
in the Brady Act. Inmates may have procured
their firearm or entered prison before the Brady
Act became effective in 1994.
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #263  
Guys the only thing I know for sure is we were not there, dont have and never will have all the facts, and it is a very sad thing for ALL concerned. It might be helpful if we could remember these things as we speculate.

I was going to post the same thing. Well said, and these two sentences say it all.
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #264  
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #267  
Call 9/11??? What ever for? I might call a local doughnut shop after the fact if I needed the police to get there in a hurry.
If someone was in the process of had actually managed to break in to my house I imagine my first response would be amazement. my second would be to jack a shell into the chamber of my old model 870 with both the stock and the barrel having been sawed off years ago. The sound would be enough to stop most common burglars in their tracks. The wife might be trying to get through to a 9/11 operator during this time but certainly not me.
I have always been pretty careful to load the last shell in first shell out filled with rock salt from 30 feet it hurts something terrible when shot in the face and may or may not cause permanent disfigurement or blindness much further away than that and they have a pretty good chance on thinking that I missed. But by now if they have one rational thought left in their brain they will either think that I may be just crazier than they for breaking in or emboldened by their possibly drug induced addiction to continue towards me I can pretty much guarantee the load of buckshot in the face or chest is going to stop any further intrusion. More than 1 well now they have 2 choices either run or lunge because I'm not going to be standing out in the open. Hopefully the wife had presents of mind to hit the Video button on her cell phone and held it out from behind a door frame while still trying top get the operator on the line. Nothing gets their attention faster and cuts through all of their stupid questions faster than hearing the sound of a 12 ga over the phone.
THe next thing is I would hope reason has overcome the desire to steel and any who are still walking would be doing so in the opposite direction from me because if not by then the wife would most likely have my old Army 1911 in her hands and she is not that good of a shot
Rembrandt to a Picasso. The paintings from Rembrandt are things of perfection, Everything that Picasso did during his blue period or Cubism periods were (of course my opinion only) abstracts of hideously distorted garbage. To be fair to him he did have a couple of periods where he painted fine art painting of people which while could never rival the exquisite detail of Rembrandt or Da Vinci they would hold their own in their own way.
Instead of Rembrandt I could have said Gauguin or Van Gogh or Da Vcinci
Con-screwed or construed I'll give you that one, my bad for not checking my typing I sometimes get to thinking about one thing then type another I'll blame this on my long history of dyslexia
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #270  
errrr...yuppp...You can say that again!:confused2: I corn curr with repeated head banging:D:mur::shocked::mur:

O. M. G.

I'm gonna go bang my head on a wall somewhere.

(sighing in frustration)