Home page problems

   / Home page problems #1  


Elite Member
Dec 6, 2013
Southern Alberta, Canada
4410 and F-935 John Deere, MF 245
Does anyone else have a home page that looks like this. For several month's I had to put up with several different lines of print being on the same line. It was clear for a month or so and now I get this.


  • TBN.jpg
    437.2 KB · Views: 144
   / Home page problems #3  
No problem here with Chrome on W8.1. :thumbsup:

   / Home page problems #4  
I wouldn't call it 'no problem', just less of one... If you look at the blue bar that says "Today's Tractor Discussions", there is the April 21, 2015 date from the JCB link above overlapping at the top and also "Send us your news & articles" overlapping at the bottom. Granted it isn't as bad as pmsmechanic's, but it is the same issue with a slightly different result.

It is just a rendering issue. Sometimes reloading the page will fix it, sometimes you need to clear the browser's cache/history, sometimes you can use a compatibility mode on a page, and sometimes you just need to use a different browser. There is no "best" browser that does it all, they each have sites and functions they excel at. It is more a fault of the site than the browser.
   / Home page problems #5  
I wouldn't call it 'no problem', just less of one... If you look at the blue bar that says "Today's Tractor Discussions", there is the April 21, 2015 date from the JCB link above overlapping at the top and also "Send us your news & articles" overlapping at the bottom. Granted it isn't as bad as pmsmechanic's, but it is the same issue with a slightly different result.

It is just a rendering issue. Sometimes reloading the page will fix it, sometimes you need to clear the browser's cache/history, sometimes you can use a compatibility mode on a page, and sometimes you just need to use a different browser. There is no "best" browser that does it all, they each have sites and functions they excel at. It is more a fault of the site than the browser.
Yep, didn't look close enough to see that.

Went to IE, same area messed up.

   / Home page problems #6  
Home page is getting a new design soon... problems will be fixed. :thumbsup: