House Build 2023

   / House Build 2023 #211  
I've been lurking, and enjoying your build. Hope it continues to go relatively smoothly.

Love the floorplan and space, but the most confusing attic I've ever seen maybe.

I need to burn some piles too.
   / House Build 2023 #212  
My neighbor and I built at the same time. He burned some scraps once between our builds, I was afraid for my house as the wind normally comes this direction.
   / House Build 2023 #213  
My neighbor and I built at the same time. He burned some scraps once between our builds, I was afraid for my house as the wind normally comes this direction.

Rightly so. I messed up last year on a burn pile.


No house or structure anywhere near - but still rather scary until we got it out.
   / House Build 2023
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I've been lurking, and enjoying your build. Hope it continues to go relatively smoothly.

Love the floorplan and space, but the most confusing attic I've ever seen maybe.

I need to burn some piles too.


The attic is not nearly as confusing in real life as in the pictures. It's impossible to get everything in a picture so I'm sure they don't make much sense. The only odd spots are because of the vaulted areas.
   / House Build 2023 #215  
It rained enough today to soak everything. The weather is dead calm and heavy with humidity. Calm drizzle is in the forecast for tomorrow. Figured it was a good time to light up the lumber scraps. Here's to what's left of tens if thousands of dollars of lumber.

View attachment 829114
Those are some substantial pieces of lumber?!? Can't quite understand that. I saved every scrap over 2' long in my smaller house build. 5 years later and pretty much all of it had found uses in new projects. You burned up hundreds of dollars of wood, lol.

I burned my scrap pile last Friday night too, our conditions were finally right here too (got rained out a bunch prior, actually). Had full moon light and astonishingly warm air (70 degrees all night).
   / House Build 2023 #216  
Those are some substantial pieces of lumber?!? Can't quite understand that. I saved every scrap over 2' long...
My builder did that, I had stacked the 6x6 treated blocks neatly and he burned everything that wasn't nailed down!!! I was so pissed at him for wasting so much good wood.
   / House Build 2023
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Those are some substantial pieces of lumber?!? Can't quite understand that. I saved every scrap over 2' long in my smaller house build. 5 years later and pretty much all of it had found uses in new projects. You burned up hundreds of dollars of wood, lol.

I burned my scrap pile last Friday night too, our conditions were finally right here too (got rained out a bunch prior, actually). Had full moon light and astonishingly warm air (70 degrees all night).

I pulled a whole bunch out that was big enough to be useful. I do see a few in the pictures that I probably should have kept. But, I do have a few big piles of useful scrap in the shop. Clutter tends to stress me out. If I would have kept everything that had a potential future use I'd have so much crap I wouldn't have room to use it.
   / House Build 2023 #218  
My builder did that, I had stacked the 6x6 treated blocks neatly and he burned everything that wasn't nailed down!!! I was so pissed at him for wasting so much good wood.
Mine did once too. I figure they probably had the new guy stay busy one day by piling everything into one trash pile. Trouble is, I had already pulled out all the lumber I wanted to keep, and sorted it out in another pile. Had to do it again before they could burn anything.

I pulled a whole bunch out that was big enough to be useful. I do see a few in the pictures that I probably should have kept. But, I do have a few big piles of useful scrap in the shop. Clutter tends to stress me out. If I would have kept everything that had a potential future use I'd have so much crap I wouldn't have room to use it.
Fair point. I did have to just save all my lumber scraps under tarps for a couple years before I got my pole barn built. And in the meantime, some got moldy, and carpenter ants chewed some of the untreated pieces to shreds!
   / House Build 2023 #219  
Since I do all my own work, the scrap pile is always close by so I can go through it and use what's in there. I started building my garage addition in the Spring of 2022, and I used a couple boards from that scrap pile over the weekend to create blocking for my ceiling lights. If it's a foot long, or longer, odds are good that it will be used for something.

I also keep a 5 gallon bucket next to my chop saw that I put all my small pieces of wood into. These buckets get stacked in my shop and then are used to start the fire in winter, or whenever we have a fire out on the porch. I probably have a dozen buckets right now, and I'm always adding to them. I also save all the little shavings and splinters from splitting wood in five gallon buckets for the same reason. They dry out quickly and make fantastic kindling to get the fire going.

OSB and Plywood is what I struggle the most with saving. If it sits around too long in my humid climate, it warps and bows on me. I tend to keep the bigger pieces and burn almost all of the smaller pieces.

I also have a garbage bucket full of PVC pipe in a variety of sizes and lengths. It's something that I rarely have any use for, but when I do, it's very nice to have it there. Last time I used it was for a fishing pole next to the pond. I pounded a 4 foot length of 2 inch PVC into the shoreline to hold the pole upright. Then we come back and check it to see if a catfish has taken the bait.

One thing that has become very important to me while living out in the country is how important having "stuff" is, and also in knowing where to look to find it!!!!
   / House Build 2023
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I keep quite a bit but there is a balance. My balance is probably keeping less than some but more than others. My go-to is, if it gets to the point that it takes me longer to find what I need than to go buy it again, then it's time to cut back.