How bad did you get screwed over?

   / How bad did you get screwed over? #1  

dodge man

Super Star Member
Oct 25, 2008
West central Illinois
JD 2025R
How about some stories about how you got screwed over buying a vehicle?

I''ve got one, it happened almost 30 years ago but it still stings.

I was looking at getting a classic muscle car. Guy in a town about 2 hours away had a junk yard but he also did so-so restoration on classis Mopars. I was looking at a 68 Road Runner, Silver, automatic on the column, 383 car. He showed it to me, let me drive it, even put it up on a hoist so I could see how solid it was. I tried to talk him down on price but he was firm. I said O.K. I'll take it. He seemed like such a nice guy and was trying to do me a favor and said "I don't want you to rush into it, think about it over the weekend". This was on a Friday so I called him first thing Monday morning and told him I still wanted it. Yep, you guessed it, he sold it over the weekend. I don't recall what I said to him but it was about 15 seconds of cuss words followed by me hanging up on him.

Looking back on it, and hearing other stories about the guy, he knew he had someone else coming to look at the car. He more or less knew he could sell it to me so he sold it for what was probably $100 or $200 more. I wonder if that little bit of extra money was worth it to him? He made an enemy for life over that deal.
   / How bad did you get screwed over? #2  
I always want to smash my head against the nearest immovable object when I hear stories about people getting taken and they say "But he/ she was so NICE".
   / How bad did you get screwed over? #3  
I have a story like yours in every way except for the outcome. After spending quite a bit of time looking, Wife and I found a golf cart we really liked and offered a deposit until we could return with a trailer in two days. Guy said our word was good enough,just bring payment when we came to pick it up. In Texas,golf carts can be operated on public roads if licensed. While talking to our son that evening,he told me that if a cart was ever registered the title should follow the cart from then on same as an automobile. On the other hand a cart that had never been registered could be titled and registered with only a bill of sale or statement of origin. Seller had told me he was original owner so I called to ask if he had ever registered it for use on public road and if so did he still have paperwork. He said he had never registered it,I said ok I'll see you Friday afternoon. When I showed up with cash and trailer,the cart had been sold and the guy was rude as all get out saying he never expected to see me after asking such stupid question. My asking him why he didn't inform me of his decision instead of allowing me to make a trip just seemed to inrage him even farther. Sunday,we found a really nice 3010 Mule for $800 more than I would have paid for the cart. I sure am glad that a hole sold the cart from under me.
   / How bad did you get screwed over? #4  
I bought a 1976 or 1978 3/4 ton ford form a friend at work. It had a 390 with RV cam, headers, cherry bomb glasspacks, jacked up with huge tires. Looked and sounded like a real muscle truck. Rougher than a cob to ride.

Everything seemed alright on it for a 15-20 year old truck but the first time it snowed I found our the front breaks were totally shot. I used it to pull a big fifth wheel so I had to fix them, then was okay and never mentioned anything to him.

I pulled my camper around Wisconsin for a couple years and all was good but then I decided to sell it. He had the hots to buy it back because it was a nice looking fun truck to drive, for short distances. I sold it back to him and a couple weeks later he told me the rear end froze up.

Turn about is fair play.
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   / How bad did you get screwed over? #5  
Bought my first vehicle, a motorcycle for $300. Got a bill of sale, but no title. Got my money's worth out of it before giving it to a friend that wanted to put knobbies on it and use as a dirt bike.

Bought a car from an older couple to replace that, got insurance, etc, same as the bike. Paid $300 for the car. Got song and dance about title. Asked every other week. Oh we can't find it, don't know that we actually got it from who we bought it from, etc. Just kept driving on bill of sale. Several months went by. Got pulled over for speeding. Cop impounded it due to not having it registered and bill of sale out of date, well over a month.

That was on a Friday. Monday, found out which tow company had taken it and called them about getting it out of impound. They said $200 to get it out. I told them to keep it. Probably wisest thing I ever did.
   / How bad did you get screwed over? #6  
I always want to smash my head against the nearest immovable object when I hear stories about people getting taken and they say "But he/ she was so NICE".

Nobody was "taken" in this case. If you want the darn thing, buy it—it was the buyer that appeared to be worried about a few bucks!
   / How bad did you get screwed over? #7  
Lol those stories aren't that bad lol

I'm not that old but buy vehicles kinda at the end of there life so you gotta find the issues in a test drive because people won't tell you squat.

I bought a BMW 325ci when I was 21 or so, 5 speed car, rode good, had a few issues but nothing that I couldn't easily fix like a ripped drivers seat and some broken plastic trim.

I gave the guy 4K cash, got the title from him that looked notarized, here was the fun part, it was a Wisconsin titled car and I bought it from a friend of the owners here in Ohio so that part was fishy.

I take the title into the title department to have it transferred and the lady says this isn't the title, it's a memorandum title and says "lien" on the border.

So I contact the guy, he said he will contact the original owners, they will figure out what went wrong and they will get it taken care of but will be a few days. Longest few days ever, 4K on the like, idk if this car is stolen and worst case scenarios are running threw my head, but everything turned out ok and I was able to title the car, car turned out to be a lemon and after dumping 2k into it I sold it 2 years later for $1800.

I bought a 1990 geo metro 5 speed for $1400, put $1000 into that car and sold it a year later for $750 because the unibody rusted out too much on the front and the car was junked basically.

I just (beginning of the month) bought a 1990 F350 flatbed, didn't have a second driver so I towed a trailer behind my truck, looked at the truck, gave $950 for it, hooked the trailer to it and towed my F150 home, 55 mile trip one way and it made it 54 3/4 miles back, completely died 1/4 mile from the house, had to bug a neighbor to drive the truck while I pulled the rig home with my tractor, that truck is sitting in my yard not running, just haven't had time yet, it's a 5 speed with a 351 and 170k. But here's the part that bothers me the most, it's been 20 days now and I'm still fighting with the insurance company on the truck, they claim it's a commercial truck and said they can't insure it, I transferred the title, bought plates for it etc and they still haven't gave me the green light. The truck itself has weak breaks, prob needs the tranny dropped and the clutch replaced/ rebuilt but I knew all that going in so that doesn't bother me.

My mother was recently given a 05 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4 with 119k by my 93 year old grandmother, my uncle needed a new van for his business and to make it fair she had my uncle pick out something for my mother, before you all get too hung up on a free car, my mom doesn't have money, I have had to help her out since before I graduated HS and for sentimental reasons she lives in a log cabin, in the hills, alone. I'm 26 now and still worry about her in the winters, but she was happy to get a 4x4. I dropped her off at my grandmothers to pick the car up and I checked the oil before she took off in the jeep and saw it was low, so I told her to stop by at my place before driving an hour home and I'll top it off, later that night I topped off the oil, checked the trans and that wasn't touching the stick, the coolant was low and the car was making a crazy noise like a bearing in something was going out, I was mad at my uncle for not seeing all this but said she would be better off driving her car home (was at my place from when I took her to my grandmothers) and I'll have my dad look at the jeep tomorrow in the light.

We found the compressor was toast and was heating up so much it would burn you even after it had a proper charge so that got unplugged, the coolant was low, trans was a quart low, 4x4 didn't work, rear brake pads only grabbed an inch of the rear rotors and the rotors were shot and now the car is in the shop because I don't have time to fix it, the mechanic lives next door and owns a shop down the road, so now she has to pay to get all those issues repaired on a car she thought was good to go.

I have about a dozen more stories lol but those are some of the more recent ones, when buying a car or truck now I just figure close to $1000 making it right with me doing most of the work, most people either lie or don't know the prob even exists.
   / How bad did you get screwed over? #8  
I have a story like yours in every way except for the outcome. After spending quite a bit of time looking, Wife and I found a golf cart we really liked and offered a deposit until we could return with a trailer in two days. Guy said our word was good enough,just bring payment when we came to pick it up. In Texas,golf carts can be operated on public roads if licensed. While talking to our son that evening,he told me that if a cart was ever registered the title should follow the cart from then on same as an automobile. On the other hand a cart that had never been registered could be titled and registered with only a bill of sale or statement of origin. Seller had told me he was original owner so I called to ask if he had ever registered it for use on public road and if so did he still have paperwork. He said he had never registered it,I said ok I'll see you Friday afternoon. When I showed up with cash and trailer,the cart had been sold and the guy was rude as all get out saying he never expected to see me after asking such stupid question. My asking him why he didn't inform me of his decision instead of allowing me to make a trip just seemed to inrage him even farther. Sunday,we found a really nice 3010 Mule for $800 more than I would have paid for the cart. I sure am glad that a hole sold the cart from under me.

Trail of ownership?? Maybe he did you a favour.
   / How bad did you get screwed over? #9  
I grew up around the auto business. Grandfather owned a used lot and the local Chrysler Jeep dealership. He was a honest guy and because of that he never "held" a car for anyone, especially family or friends. Either show up and buy it or move on. Keeps you from making enemies.
   / How bad did you get screwed over? #10  
I bought an Indi Pace Car Edition Z-28 Camaro from an ad in the paper. It was advertised as 1984 and looked great!
I stopped by local Chevy Dealer to see a friend who was parts manager to get new spedo cable, speedometer was jumping.
Told friend what I wanted and he told me 1984 doesn't have cable it's electronic!! We checked VIN and it was a 1982.
The difference in price from the years was $2000.
I got Body File from DMV and who ever typed up title at DMV put wrong year on it.
Checked with a lawyer, contacted seller, he said fair price so I sued him in Small Claims Court for $2000.
I got a 2K judgement against seller. Judgments SUCK!! if they don't want to pay!!!
Seller agreed to pay me $100. a month for 20 months (I paid him cash for car)
Lucky for me seller tried to refi his house 3 months later and bank would not talk to him!! He begged me to take the money and cancel the judgement!