How cold was it?

   / How cold was it? #11  
Here in Alabama school started 2 hours late because it was 25 F outside.

Now when I was stationed in Alaska, we got to stay in if it was -60 F and below. That is why the wife said she was moving back to the lower 48. She didn't like having to wear a sweater in the summer to have a picnic.
   / How cold was it? #12  
So cold that yesterday at the hay sale it had warmed up to 0 and it felt kind of balmy.
   / How cold was it? #13  
Cold enough that al gore probably better not come around here.
   / How cold was it? #14  
Local record set here Sun nite at -14F, officially, besting the previous record for date set in 1942.

Neighbor called at 1:00 AM to announce that power was out, welcomed me to visit and sit by wood heater if it got too cold. Grabbed another blanket and snoozed 'til 8:00 AM. By then it was 50 in the house (vs usual 66) so I turned front stove burners on to 'med' and lit a few candles in the shop downstairs. Found/fixed an old radio to catch Diane (Rehm) & Terry (Gross) on battery power. By noon it was up to 1F outside and I held 50^ inside 'til the power came back on at 4:00 PM.

Just another cold day. :)
   / How cold was it? #15  
we been breaking records for a few days now, lowest HIGH temp broke was 1890s & the high was -4, have not broken the -20F low yet (thankfully) but have broken other lows & set 3 new (low) high temps...

   / How cold was it? #16  
We still have not had our usual -40+ temps of previous years. We gotta get at least a week of-40 to -50F to kill off the black fly larva.