How do I cure a Pot Bellied Pig?

   / How do I cure a Pot Bellied Pig? #21  
LOL! My neighbor (two miles away) has a border collie and we have four goldens, plus any abused dogs that happen to be in our rescue program. One day the border collie showed up at our house with three other goldens. Turns out he had found them in the village and "herded" them to our house to be with the rest of the "golden herd!" /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif

Ragtag Golden Retriever Rescue
   / How do I cure a Pot Bellied Pig? #23  
A little shock beats the heck out of the Burdizos. At least the pig gets to go at it another day.....

Alan L., TX
South of Bugtussle
North of Mustang
On the banks of Buck Creek
   / How do I cure a Pot Bellied Pig? #24  
Actually, about an hour later an extremely tearful, sobbing woman came wandering up the road calling for her dogs. So there was a joyful reunion. And the neighbor came by to pick up his compulsive herder before my pack ate it.

   / How do I cure a Pot Bellied Pig? #25  
So the story has a happy ending!! Great!! I can't stand to see anything bad happen to dogs.

Good job, Pete!

"What a long strange trip it's been."