I nabb
ed the pictured pump at the local scrap yard for $10!
Free turning etc. I found the company web page but no real details, I gathered it produces a lot of PSI at low rpm.
Thus I am thinking a new pump for my log splitter build. Anyone know about this one ?
Didn't intend to have a Deere fleet - it just happened 310C, F915,102, 5200 & 5065E
You really want a two stage pump. Fast movement to the wood then when the pressure required is too much for both stages, the low pressure stage drops out. This keeps the horsepower required low and shortens the cycle time.
Back again. I came across two still in the box Webster Hydraulic Pumps ( model 043YC001702-LF )
I see the run a good penny. average around $249. I know a two stage pump is suggested for the log
splitter. Will this one do ok is my question.