Identify this scat game.

   / Identify this scat game. #1  


Super Member
Oct 16, 2010
By the lake in NH & FL
2011 MF 2410 TLB
On a walk today,I came across these droppings that looked larger than deer droppings. There were reports of beer in the area but growing up in the city, I need some help.


Yes, that's my key and it didn't pass through the animal. :D
   / Identify this scat game. #2  
That came from a deer
   / Identify this scat game. #6  
What tracks are around it? Bust a few open to see what it was eating.

Looks like a big deer to me too.
   / Identify this scat game. #8  
Looks like deer to me.
   / Identify this scat game.
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I've seen deer before and I remember them to be smaller. These were the size of a large tootsie roll just cut about 3/4" long.

And No, I didn't see if they tasted like one. :eek: