Is there something wrong with me?

   / Is there something wrong with me? #91  
Guns are simply tools bad people use in malicious manners. Eliminate guns and bad people will simply find something else to use to harm others.

I carry a gun. It's a tool on my belt just like the Leatherman and flashlight on the other hip, and 4" Cresent wrench in my pocket. If the situation is such that I have to defend myself or my family with my plyers, I will use them or anything else I can to do so.

The leval of respect for others and being held accountable for one's actions has been lost in recent years. Too many people thinking they can act in real life like they see on TV, the way people act towards each other on so many shows that fill the channels, even "kids" shows, offer no good role models. Combine that with the reduction in effective disaplin in schools and homes, and here we are today... parents and teachers alike can't touch a kid without the fear of being charged with child abuse. The result is kids walking around with their eyes glued to phone screens, not bothering to hold the door for the elderly lady they just walked in front of...

Ok... rant over...

Great post; great thread. There are several issues here that I find interesting; good guy vs. bad guy; city vs. country, sanctity of private property; guns and right of self defense, etc. Let me start by posting this video, a scene from the movie "Shane". It embodies the gun issues as nothing else ever has, at least for me. I find it particularly poignant.

As for the sanctity of private property, my observations come from being a country boy who, in spite of its shortcomings, loved country life and country people. We were raised to respect other people's property in a way that no city person can. They grow up where folks are crowded together, everything they see and use belongs to the government except maybe their own personal belongings in their subsidized apartment. They ride the subway, the only grass they walk on is in a city park; they even have to go to the city zoo to look at a pig. It's no wonder they have no concept of private property and personal privacy.

If you live in the country and want your privacy, especially where there are fences, gates and signs, people should respect your wishes...and most people will. If they don't, to me they are acting irrationally, and this is a BIG red flag. They are either stupid, desperate, or looking to do you harm. I often think of the Clutter family; I would rather be safe than sorry.

Two excellent posts. I had forgotten about the "Shane" video clip. Thanks for posting.
   / Is there something wrong with me? #92  
The mention of wedding pictures reminded me of a situation that might add something interesting to the conversation. Some friends of ours got married down in Gatlinburg TN, which I understand is the #2 destination wedding spot after Vegas. Beautiful country down there, and weddings are big business, and good for the local economy. Right next door to the wedding chapel our friends choose, is a really old barn and pasture. After the ceremony we were all outside waiting for them to get done with their wedding pictures before we went to the reception, and I noticed a really large and creepy picture on the side of the barn. I didn't understand what the purpose of this picture was at first, and then I realized, the owner of the barn didn't appreciate it being used as a back drop for wedding pictures. So rather than have it used, he decided to mar the beauty of his own property. One side of my brain said good for him, it's his property, he pays taxes on it, he should get something for other people using it however slight their use might be. But the other side of my brain said that is a pretty selfish and spiteful thing to do.

In any case, our friends cousin is a photo shop wizard, so their wedding pictures turned out great, you can't even tell there used to be a creepy picture on the side of the barn.

I found the location on google street view, here is a better shot of the barn.
   / Is there something wrong with me? #93  
I think rather than asking; "Is there something wrong with me?" The question to ask; Is there something wrong with people? The answer is YES!
I think you did nothing wrong and it seems most on here agree.
   / Is there something wrong with me? #94  
I live in South Florida and recently an investment firm bought 800 acres of abandoned subdivision and turned it into a giant event destination. The beginning of March they had their first annual music festival. So we all prepared for this, battening down the hatches and anything that we thought others would want to walk away with but the one thing I didn't think to prepare for was squatters. So I come home from work on the second day (2 am) and I find 2 vehicles sitting in my driveway. Now I am in law enforcement so I figure I will approach in a cautious manner taking into account that my drive is about 1500 ft. covered in trees and this is not normal. And what do I find in the first car but a young man about 20 YOA passed out, now while I applaud his desire not to drink and drive I do take issue with him deciding to park 100 ft from my house. So I approach the car and shine my very bright LED flashlight at him and inquire as to why he was here. The answer I get from him as to why he bypassed the 2 bright yellow "NO TRESSPASSING AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY" signs was "I figured I would leave before you woke up." To which I responded "how did you expect to know when I woke up considering I work mid-shift." His perplexed look earned him NO points and I told him to move his car up by the main road and finish sleeping it off, this after explaining that Florida has very strict and unforgiving laws regarding trespassing and what a property owners right is to protect that property. If it weren't for the fact that my job is to prevent people from injuring others and themselves I would of said just hit the road but considering he was polite( Yes Sir, No Sir) I let him remain on my property until about 1PM, sleeping of course!

So next I move to the second car which is ahead of the first closer to the road and probably 150 ft. from the house, and of course it is vacant and the occupants are I am assuming having a good time at the music festival. So I decided not to do the first thing that came to mind which was go get the tractor and move the car for them back to the public road. And instead I called dispatch and they sent out the tow truck for removal. So now this is where the story gets both humorous and irritating at the same time. At about 4:30 am I hear a knock, knock at the door and guess who came a calling, the owners of the little blue car from Maryland. I answered the door as politely as I could given the time and ask what I could do for them, knowing why they were there and here is what I get;

Car Owner: " have you seen my car"

Me: " Yes last I saw it, it was sitting in my driveway"

car Owner: " Do you know where it went"

Me: " I am assuming with the Tow Truck that I called"

Car Owner: " You called the tow Truck!"

Me: " Yes, you parked your vehicle way!!! on my property"

Car Owner: " Didn't you ever just want to have fun as a kid"

Me: " Well when I was a kid yes, but you appear to be in your 20's and I would expect you know how to read the NO trespassing signs at the end of my driveway."

Car Owner: " We figured you were asleep"

Apparently everyone knows my sleep cycle!!!:D

Me: " Well that was a miss calculation on your part I work at night and when I came home and your car was in my driveway I had it towed."

And the million dollar question that I had to laugh at!!! :laughing::laughing: :confused2:

Car Owner: " Well this isn't fair, who is gonna pay for my car?"

In the end I allowed them to use my phone to locate their vehicle as there is no cell service, but it wasn't without a bit of scolding. Needless to say I bet they will pay the $20 for parking as opposed to the $250 impound fee.

And the lesson I learned is $1100 is well spent money to the local welding shop coffers to build me a nice new gate for the end of the road to prevent this in the future. :thumbsup:
   / Is there something wrong with me? #95  
Could have been worse. A local young entrepreneur who knew you'd be at work could have put up a few "$10 parking" signs over your no trespass signs, made their first $million and disappeared into the night before you got home.

That's what's wrong with kids these days; no initiative.
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   / Is there something wrong with me? #96  
James, your posts in this thread are absolutely 100% as things are IMO.:thumbsup:
I too intend to protect my family, and never be a victim.

There are alot of good folks out there...but like you say , alot of evil.
You have been out there....I know what you are talking about.