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Nice looking tractor! Those rears are big! And probably close to 1000lbs!
Yesterday when I was at the dealer all I could think of was I hope I don't have to replace one (or worse two).
I moved a lot of rock with my JD about two years ago. Had to dig it out of piles which had other debris, mainly old tin from old roofing buried in with the rock. I went through 4 front tires in year from them getting sliced. They were only a little over $100 a piece which still was bad enough.
   / Joining LS Club
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Nice ride! Enjoy
That's the bummer. I can't really do much right now as I don't have a trailer that will haul it. My property is only about 10 miles away, but it is a pretty major road and I wouldn't want to drive the tractor on it. There are no shoulders to pull over and I would not want to have a bad encounter with one of the many log trucks that ride around here.
Besides that, I am trying to get work done on my house here. Past week I have been replacing all the duct work. Miserable job in a crawl space when it's in the 90's.
   / Joining LS Club
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Got a chance to actually start to look the tractor over yesterday and was pleased to see this:


  • LS Tractor Locking Gas Cap.jpeg
    LS Tractor Locking Gas Cap.jpeg
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   / Joining LS Club #44  
It's here safe and sound. It drove it all of 5 mins to move it to the back yard. Couple photos of LS and JD side by side and back view. Rear tires on LS are as tall as my wife. :)
Asked the dealer what the tires were filled with and he told me regular antifreeze. He said one tire takes about 100 gallons. I couldn't believe it. But when right next to them, they are big.
My JD has antifreeze in the tires too.
Nice! Like the layout of the 3pt and remote controls compared to the MT3 series cab tractors. The other thing I noticed is the dealer prep did not remove the cardboard on the floor or the plastic on the seat. Thought my dealer was the only one that didn't do that. I still haven't pulled the plastic off the seat. It looks like you have to unbolt things to get it completely off. I'll be interested on what you think of the R14 tires since I am not that impressed with the R4s on my MT3.
   / Joining LS Club #45  
Ooooh R14s. I really wanted them when I purchased a new tractor but no one had them in stock. Glad someone with the same model tractor has them ! Can’t wait to hear how they work. The R1s have been good so far though and no complaints. Over 100 hours now and a ton of loader work. No rolled tires. Not any complaints. Moved a few hoses and wires around to prevent them from rubbing on things for longevity. That’s been it.
   / Joining LS Club #47  
I can take a quick measurement when I get home from the bottom of the loader frame to the ground. I can tell you it’s never been a issue though. It’s been through the woods brush hogging around blow downs and stumps , muddy construction sites , and muddy fields. Drove over several material piles pushing them out and never got hung up or dragged.
   / Joining LS Club #49  
I am still waiting for mine to show up. It was supposed to have been delivered a few weeks ago and I found out that I am waiting on the loader to show up. When I placed the order they told me tires and the cab, no one said anything about the loader.

I feel like they sold my tractor to someone else and now they are scrambling.
   / Joining LS Club #50  
I can take a quick measurement when I get home from the bottom of the loader frame to the ground. I can tell you it’s never been a issue though. It’s been through the woods brush hogging around blow downs and stumps , muddy construction sites , and muddy fields. Drove over several material piles pushing them out and never got hung up or dragged.


Will post update once we take delivery.
Not as tall as I was hoping for, but should be tall enough.

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