Jump Footings

   / Jump Footings #31  
Never heard of doing footings without 2 courses of 1/2" rebar. And in the middle and top of taller walls. Rebar is cheap and it is not difficult to install. Really puzzles me why the builder did that. Maybe local practice on excellent undisturbed soils? My first stop would be the building department to get some more info.
   / Jump Footings #32  
Would the garage floor with vehicle traffic on it count as a bearing point?

View attachment 506848

If that crack is in the area where there's no footer in this pic, it would not worry me, but you've not detected any rebar. That would get my attention some but that'z not holding up any part of the building, those loads are all to the left on the full height wall. What bothers me is there's no ledge (along the house) or visible "posts" (in the field) to support your slab on what's going to be from several feet, to about 6' of fill. What's the GC - builder's reputation? How about the foundation guy's rep? I'd have a friendly talk with the local building inspector if you have one about both of these guys. Is this your lot or the builders? (if the xxxx hit's the fan)