Lawn Sweeper

   / Lawn Sweeper #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
Hi all,

Anyone have experience with a pull behind lawn sweeper? I have a Kubota BX2680 with a 60" MMM. I just want to gather clippings for mulch when I need some. I know there are several brands to choose from.

   / Lawn Sweeper #2  
I've got the AgriFab Chipper Vac for the last 5 years. MEH. Not overly impressed since it's finicky. The hose gets plugged whenever you have heavy mower output unless completely dry (dead leaves), then requires some disassembly to clear. the chipper is only ok (underpowered & bogs down) and anything except straight branches can jam, and the quality of the parts/assembly is iffy (mine came with a mis-wired safety switch on the cover -- would only start when the cover was off, so I eliminated the switch rather than send the whole thing back). It works only OK as far as I'm concerned, & I wouldn't buy again, though I will keep it going as long as possible now that I own it.

As a kid, I rigged up a manual push (rotary brush type) sweeper to tow behind a garden tractor. worked fine for grass clippings, but you have to do a separate pass after mowing is done. Ok for grass, but filled quick & needed lots of dumping ... depends how much mulch you want/need vs time spent.
   / Lawn Sweeper
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I've got the AgriFab Chipper Vac for the last 5 years. MEH. Not overly impressed since it's finicky. The hose gets plugged whenever you have heavy mower output unless completely dry (dead leaves), then requires some disassembly to clear. the chipper is only ok (underpowered & bogs down) and anything except straight branches can jam, and the quality of the parts/assembly is iffy (mine came with a mis-wired safety switch on the cover -- would only start when the cover was off, so I eliminated the switch rather than send the whole thing back). It works only OK as far as I'm concerned, & I wouldn't buy again, though I will keep it going as long as possible now that I own it.
I meant the kind that is just a sweeper not a vacuum.

   / Lawn Sweeper #4  
We crossed ... I added a line on that to my original post
   / Lawn Sweeper
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Yeah, I only need it for collecting mulch for the garden. I use a push mower with a bagger now. It's just too much work to empty that thing so often. 27 loads I needed.
   / Lawn Sweeper #6  
Maybe a pine straw rake?

https://www.(Temporarily blocked du...Pine-Straw-Rakes-Pine-Needle-Rakes-s/3425.htm
   / Lawn Sweeper
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Maybe a pine straw rake?

https://www.(Temporarily blocked du...Pine-Straw-Rakes-Pine-Needle-Rakes-s/3425.htm
I don't think that would work. Plus, the price is more than I want to spend.
   / Lawn Sweeper #8  
I have a lawn sweeper that I've tried to use for leaves. My lawn is just to large for it. But for thatching, it works pretty well. Grass clippings would be fine too, but better if you have a side discharge vs rear discharge mower. The sweeper will pick up a wind-row of clippings pretty well, but loose clippings not as easily.

I have a rear discharge finish mower for my Kubota, but I feel like that was a colossal mistake. Cuts nice, but is not meant for gathering clippings. The lawn sweeper was a cheap method to try and remedy that and it just doesn't fit well.
   / Lawn Sweeper #9  
Wife brought real nice sweeper end of last summer I was not impress at all fall clean up and this spring clean up...gave it away.
   / Lawn Sweeper #10  
We have one that the wife pulls behind her riding mower for leaf clean up in the fall.
Works good for what we want.
She makes a pass & fills it up.
Dumps it by me & I rake it further back into the woods.

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