Lawyer trouble.

   / Lawyer trouble. #31  
I'm not paranoid. I have nothing to do with the OP's situation.

However, it's a fact that every so often the moderators get a PM request from a TBN member to remove a thread they started to complain about (you pick) a dealer, manufacturer, store, neighbor, seller, buyer, etc... because they have been threatened with legal action for their comments. In some of the cases, no names or addresses were mentioned. So how did the info about the thread get back to the other party?


It happens. ;)
You are sooooo right about this !

Specially lawyers from Flori duh, been there and got the T-shirt to show for it...
   / Lawyer trouble. #32  
Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean that there isn't someone out there waiting to get you:D

That reminds me in the old days I use to have a friend that ran with a rough crowd. Harmless guy, kept his nose clean...well, not exactly, but never got caught.

His famous quote was: "All my friends in jail think I'm paranoid."
   / Lawyer trouble. #33  
We had trouble with my Dads probate because the Lawyer had not completed the will correctly. It had to go to the courts to be approved. It still only took about 4 -5 months.
My young brother died a year or so ago and his probate was granted within 2 months. Another brother was executor.
It can be very frustrating.
   / Lawyer trouble. #35  
My brother finished as executor to his MIL will. He said after that experience he converted his will to a trust.
   / Lawyer trouble. #36  
I am at my wit end with this lawyer! Long story short this is a easy probate case,started on 6/4/19 I dont understand why it took this guy till the end of Oct. To send it to the court. My mother didnt have multi bank accounts or own land or have over sea accounts almost 5 months seem long. He also doesn't return my phone calls or text messages I send he gives me no hop this will ever get done!!!!!.
My family has dealt with two or three probate lawyers over the years and I don't remember one who wasn't slow. My brother finally got one to move by letting him know that if he didn't get closure soon, he'd pay him for what he'd done if he'd hand back the paperwork so he could take it to someone else.
   / Lawyer trouble. #37  
Remember TBNers that lawyers want to have work coming in steady just like the contractors. They don't just sit around waiting for cases. Builders don't want to have idle time waiting for someone wanting a house built tomorrow. Lawyers are no different. (Yes I am speaking as a dad to a lawyer that just started his practice a few years ago.) Jon

And yes, this is an old thread.
   / Lawyer trouble. #38  
Don't go to probate. :) The ideal situation is NOT to have an estate in the first place. Clear titles with assigned rights of survivership. And if you know you only have so many days, GIFT bits and parts away. I think its 16K TAX FREE right now.
   / Lawyer trouble. #39  
Don't go to probate. :) The ideal situation is NOT to have an estate in the first place. Clear titles with assigned rights of survivership. And if you know you only have so many days, GIFT bits and parts away. I think its 16K TAX FREE right now.
15k per year, per person, and/or org. If you are on the receiving end, you can figure it out to your advantage.