Lawyer trouble.

   / Lawyer trouble. #41  
My family has dealt with two or three probate lawyers over the years and I don't remember one who wasn't slow.
Yeah, lawyers are slow in general. When I bought my first house, I bought an adjoining piece of land from the same seller but in a separate, private transaction (long story there). Apparently, she'd never filed paperwork to release the lien when I paid her off. Of course she'd been deceased for a couple decades when I sold the property and realized the situation. What a PITA, we had to track down her 2 daughters, both of whom lived out of state and get them to sign off. Even though my wife and I did much of the research, it still took over 6 months to finalize.
   / Lawyer trouble. #42  
You guys have it easy with your 7 or 8 month probates. It took seven years to figure out my Dad's Estate cause he had got remarried with out an updated will, and we had to go though the Spousal Election. As the elected Admin, cause the Named Bank Executor declined, which they can, I will say you never want to do this. You can't ever be the good guy. EVERYONE will hate you and hold resentment that you had to follow the law, and break every verbal agreement one party may have understood, but not recorded anywhere..
If you have stuff, make sure where its going to go in writing, or give it away earlier. This was 7 years I will never get back. And even after everything was closed, and I had specifically signed-off of the Estate, relatives still wanted me to fix things many years later: Let a lawyer do this.
And , lawyers do not work under a hierarchy. They are all independent in a Firm. There is no BOSS for you to talk to, if they seem to be not doing their jobs.
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   / Lawyer trouble. #44  
When I was getting a divorce in 1981, the exes lawyer was dragging everything out for no reason other than to cost me more money. The ex and I had agreed on the way everything was to be split up, no remaining issues. After three months of jerking me and my lawyer around, I had had enough and called him and told him to get off his fat ass and get this wrapped up ASAP. Ten minutes later my lawyer called me and chewed me out for making the call.
But, a week later everything was signed, sealed and finalized.

You know what you call an ocean liner with 2,000 lawyers onboard at the bottom of the ocean.

Rim shot....

A start.
   / Lawyer trouble. #45  
When I was getting a divorce in 1981, the exes lawyer was dragging everything out for no reason other than to cost me more money. The ex and I had agreed on the way everything was to be split up, no remaining issues. After three months of jerking me and my lawyer around, I had had enough and called him and told him to get off his fat ass and get this wrapped up ASAP. Ten minutes later my lawyer called me and chewed me out for making the call.
But, a week later everything was signed, sealed and finalized.
Your lawyer should have been the one to make the call, but all the delay and screwing around was more money in his pocket too so there wasn't much incentive. Lots of mutual back scratching in that business.
   / Lawyer trouble. #46  
And after several months, they turn it over to another lawyer in the office and both charge for consulting with each other, then the 2nd lawyer spends several months to "finish" it up.
   / Lawyer trouble. #47  
It doesn't get better when they become judges...a co-worker was getting divorced. After 4 kids, wife switched teams. She was finishing up a degree...he had been the sole earner. They did their own agreement that was fair to both, and the kids. Judged sent them back to increase her money. She now makes about 2x what he does. To get his alimony reduced, he has to go back to court.
   / Lawyer trouble. #48  
this is the very reason I have a trust. Trust wasn't cheap, but No probate needed
I've seen times where probate is the only way to follow deceased wishes.

At least all out in the open.

Mom of a very good friend passed and only a few months before a grand daughter set up a Trust.

The will stipulating everything monetary and real estate equal in value no longer valid...

The extensive bequeath list out the window as was her church of 60 years and very much a part.

The granddaughter who had little to do with family because of a divorce was in charge.

The lawyer that had prepared the original will was in the dark on trust as was everyone else... documents had not yet been returned from the recorders office.

Joint accounts had been closed... deposit boxes emptied and the family never received any accounting... only told a Trust is a private matter.
   / Lawyer trouble. #49  
Years back I rear ended a car while I was arguing with my boss.
I was issued 2 tickets, reckless driving and following too close.
I lived some 75 miles from the 'scene' so I went first to local attorneys for quotes which started at $1200. and downwards to about $500.
After talking to some 10 - 12 lawyers I finally hit upon an honest one.
He advised me to plea guilty to the minor offence and that the major one would be dropped.
Also he refused any fees so I bought him a fine scotch by way of thanks.
Takes all kinds.
As a sales rep the major ticket would have cost me my permit and therefore my employment
   / Lawyer trouble. #50  
Don't go to probate. :) The ideal situation is NOT to have an estate in the first place. Clear titles with assigned rights of survivership. And if you know you only have so many days, GIFT bits and parts away. I think its 16K TAX FREE right now.
Except, don't gift real estate. Sell it for a dollar, otherwise there could be tax consequinces.