Long 6 cord Woodshed....finished

   / Long 6 cord Woodshed....finished #11  
Looks awesome. I need to come up with something like that. How long did it take you to put together?
   / Long 6 cord Woodshed....finished
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About 3 days...working alone. I have not totaled the materials up but I bet they are around $600. If you had help it would be an easy weekend job if you already had the posts set. I made one mistake(maybe), I put the 2x8's on the outside of the posts. I think it would have been stronger with them on the inside of the posts and it didn't dawn on me until I already had one side screwed on. There is a center 2x8 joist running the length inside the two outside one's, so it's still pretty stout.
   / Long 6 cord Woodshed....finished #13  
   / Long 6 cord Woodshed....finished #14  
Looks good! One question though... I assume the posts are set in the ground? Does that technically mean you need a permit for it since it is now a "permanent structure?" I have been wanting to build something like that, and have been coming up with ideas to make it on skids to try to avoid the permit thing, but maybe I don't need to! I'd much prefer setting the posts in the ground. I guess I just need to call the county...
   / Long 6 cord Woodshed....finished #15  
That's a fine job. I have been thinking of something along those same lines to store 3 point implements out of the weather with easy access.
   / Long 6 cord Woodshed....finished
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No permit's here Mike....I love Tennessee ;)
   / Long 6 cord Woodshed....finished #17  
6 or 7....heating from the basement with a old '86 Hearthstone H1.

That much? Down in Tenn? I thought you had an well sealed/insulated new house?

My wood is not my main heat, but others up here will go through that much in a winter.

BTW, nice job though. I need something like that only smaller.

   / Long 6 cord Woodshed....finished #18  
Looks like a nice place to shoot from, clays off the back.
   / Long 6 cord Woodshed....finished #19  
I love it! Functional and great looks.

What kind of wood did you use for the floor?
   / Long 6 cord Woodshed....finished #20  
Hope you don't mind, but with slight modifications, I'm going to steal your design. I have an outdoor wood boiler about 60' from the house, and up to this point, I've just been tarping my wood during the wet and snowy months. I've been running ideas through my head for a more permanent solution for a few years now, but after seeing your design, I'm thinking it would be nearly perfect for my needs.

Do you have any support down the center of your span? I'll be stacking heavy hardwood, and I think a 4' span might be a bit much for the weight I'll be putting on it. I also won't be splitting my pieces quite as small as yours, since my boiler will take pieces pretty much as big as (Ok....bigger) than I could possibly lift.

Your work looks great, and thanks for the idea.