Elite Member
ho a new tractor is nice ... very good looking machine ... they have lots of similarities with the Massey I find
What have you been able to do with the tractor so far? I’ll have to live vicariously until it warms up hereI’m anxious to really try out the loader as it looks nice and beefy and I’ve got a project this spring all picked out. I’m also looking forward to getting in my woods and dragging logs out.
So yes I use the tractor with a 6 foot box blade to maintain the 900 foot gravel driveway up to my camp. And yes I’m in an area that can and does get a good amount of snow. This past Sunday and Monday we had over 2 feet dumped on us. So as far as clearing snow, yes I use it for that. I’ll be using it this Friday after work to clear the driveway enough so I can get my truck up there. I’ll use the loader to push and move the snow out of the road. Oh and yeah it’s supposed to be -10 F Friday night! As far as other equipment I’ve got an old Farmi skidding winch for the 3 point, a post hole auger, a Yanmar 2210D that I use for brush hogging. You can do a lot with a tractor and some attachments. I highly recommend it!I have been mulling doing what hobby farmer is doing. I have been checking out some rural properties and wondering how you guys deal with snow. You said you use your Mahindra to maintain your gravel road. Can you use it to clear snow to gain access to the public road fronting your property? What other machinery besides your Mahindra do you have and what are they for?
Great pics. What are you farming, Andy?A few pics of my other stuff. I forgot to mention the grapple (extremely handy), and the saw of death I built to knock back the overgrowth on driveway and trails, and the 3 point hitch I built for pulling logs and moving trailers. Hopefully they give you some ideas