Comparison Mahindra Max 24 HST vs Mahindra EMax 25

   / Mahindra Max 24 HST vs Mahindra EMax 25 #11  
Thanks Dave,
Good clarity on those major differences in architecture. I was also going to mention that the Max is a compact and the EMax is a sub-compact but you know what can of worms that opens, LOL. Y'all have a good weekend!
A can of worms for sure. The Max is sub-compact in size and compact in architecture. The eMax is typical SCUT construction with the ladder frame. I'm old school, I like the rigid conventional type of build, but that sort of robust structure is probably not necessary in such a small tractor.
   / Mahindra Max 24 HST vs Mahindra EMax 25 #12  
I knew it had been awhile since I'd seen any videos from you and wondered what happened. Are you still with Safeway?

Dont worry Rollingsfarms Safeway is still in good hands Don trained us well.
   / Mahindra Max 24 HST vs Mahindra EMax 25 #13  
I have the eMax 22. Been a great machine so far (just 28 hrs. on it). What's interesting is I looked at an LS J2023 at a nearby dealer and I was surprised how closely it resembles my Mahindra. I noticed the joystick was exactly the same brand, the loader mounting was the same and the control layout and dash were the same. I presume the two are made in the same Korean factory?
   / Mahindra Max 24 HST vs Mahindra EMax 25 #14  
Thanks for posting. Good information and presented well.
   / Mahindra Max 24 HST vs Mahindra EMax 25 #16  
Nice vid comparison! I know i wouldnt buy the korean one, sad that they are both imports:(..
I try to buy american when i can but its getting harder to do
   / Mahindra Max 24 HST vs Mahindra EMax 25 #17  
May I ask where you think that bx25 was made?
   / Mahindra Max 24 HST vs Mahindra EMax 25 #18  
Don't answer it!! It's a trick question....