Meet BB my new machine.

   / Meet BB my new machine.
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Got in a little over 3600 ft with it today. Pretty happy.
   / Meet BB my new machine.
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Heres another video.

The machine had been a great purchase. I timed it yesterday, put in 915ft of 2" conduit 30" deep in 27minutes. Ended up getting a little over 2500ft in would have done more but my helper is sick so I was running solo and can only work on this highway 10am-3pm because it gets so much traffic. The picture is what it looks like after I drive over it twice with BB after plowing. Sure beats trenching.

   / Meet BB my new machine. #13  
Doesn't even look like you've been there.
Great machine and glad it is working out so well for you..
   / Meet BB my new machine.
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Doesn't even look like you've been there.
Great machine and glad it is working out so well for you..
Thanks. It's been crazy dry this summer and the dirt so powdery so some if the areas I trenched earlier in the year I've been back to do restoration on 3-4 times(super dry then a short hard downpore and the trenches sink in) Looking forward to not worrying about that anymore.
   / Meet BB my new machine. #15  
Nice! What year?
   / Meet BB my new machine. #16  
It is a nice machine but for my uses not necessary. When I need to run a trench for cable or water pipe, I either call Black Swamp or Herc Rentals and have them deliver me a machine. They come full of fuel and serviced.
   / Meet BB my new machine.
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Nice! What year?
2005. I had to clean the valve in the block that switches from the plow to the trencher and drain and clean the fuel tank. I'm very happy with it and have been offered twice what I paid for it but it makes me that much in two weeks so I declined.
It is a nice machine but for my uses not necessary. When I need to run a trench for cable or water pipe, I either call Black Swamp or Herc Rentals and have them deliver me a machine. They come full of fuel and serviced.
It has a trencher on the back also and a 6 way blade up front. I do this every day for a living so renting doesn't make much sense for me. My best weeks I put in 9-10kft my bad weeks 2-4kft. Much depends on what utilities are in the way, how many peds/vaults need to be set and driveway/road bores. I'm trying to hire more people so I don't have to stop plowing to do those things and the operation runs along with everything being done at once.
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   / Meet BB my new machine. #18  
I see your point, for me, it's a non starter. Most utlilities around here and phone companies own their own machines. Never seen a contractor cutting a trench here.
   / Meet BB my new machine. #19  
Nice machine! that big claw like the back part of a
hammer nice for pulling big big nails??? or pulling
spikes for MR CHOO CHOO?????

After looking at the video you sure have a excellent
machine, being able to run on the road and swing to
the side for laying cable etc really great!

   / Meet BB my new machine. #20  
Considering how inattentive drivers are today, anything that has to do with working on the side of a roadway scares me cones or no cones. Lots of drivers today drive in the 'ozone.

Just had one of the local refuse company employees get run over while emptying trash cans on the back of the refuse truck. The driver ran him over and he got stuck under the car and was dragged a couple hundred feet before the driver stopped. (or realized he had someone under the car). Broke both legs, one arm and collapsed lung. Critical condition and a young person too.

Driving today is a serious responsibility but people take it for granted. I'd never want to work on the roadside, cones or no cones.